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A maker project designed to bring the family together (via spying).



My immediate family is separated into four discrete units:

  • My parents
  • My girlfriend Lucy and I
  • My sister Jessica, her husband Chris, and her daughter Alicia
  • My sister Emily, and her boyfriend James

From a very early age Emily has associated herself with the colour red, Jessica is somewhat partial to blue, and (via accident or fate) I've ended up with the moniker Lime Blast.

With this in mind, I thought it would be cool to present my parents with a framed image, split into quarters for each of these family units highlighted in their signature colour.

Further to this, because I'm amazed by the level of connectivity the internet provides, I thought it would be even cooler if the intensity of these respective colours was generated by a satellite unit in each of my siblings abodes, with the combination of these colours going on to provide the colour of my parents.

For example, if you mix 100% red, and 100% green, but 0% blue, you get yellow. Meaning, if both Emily and myself are super active, generating lots of input for our satellite boxes, but Jessica is taking a day off, Jessica's quarter would be a very dull blue, Emily's would be a bright red, mine a bright green, and my parents' a bright yellow.

But, why?

This project serves no practical use, other than (what I hope will be) a really cool present for the members of my family, and an excuse for me to learn and flex my maker skills.


Base frame

This is powered by a Feather Huzzah which uses data obtained via MQTT to run some WS2812 RGB LEDs.

Base Fritzing


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