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Week 2 - Lec.3 & Lec.4 & Lec.5 {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

TOC {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

  1. Lec.3 - References and Recursion
    1. Primitive types
    2. The Golden Rule of Equals (GRoE)
    3. Reference Types
    4. Parameter Passing
    5. Instantiating Arrays
    6. Introducing IntLists
  2. Lec.4 - Node Based List
    1. Rebranding and Bureaucracy
    2. Access Control
    3. Nested Class
    4. Caching
    5. Empty list
    6. Sentinel Node
    7. Invariants
  3. Lec.5 - Doubly Linked List and Arrays
    1. Doubly Linked List
    2. Generics
    3. Arrays
    4. Arrays vs. Classes

Lec.3 - References and Recursion

The Mystery of the Walrus {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

  • Will the change to b affect a ? / Will the change to x affect y ?
Walrus a = new Walrus(1000, 8.3);
Walrus b;
b = a;
b.weight = 5;

int x = 5;
int y;
y = x;
x = 2;
System.out.println("x: " + x);
System.out.println("y: " + y);
weight: 5, tuskSize: 8.30
weight: 5, tuskSize: 8.30
x: 2
y: 5

Primitive types

Bits {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

  • Information in computer is stored in memory as a sequence of ones and zeros

    • e.g. 72 stored as 01001000
    • e.g. True stored as 00000001
  • Each Java type has a different way to interpret the bits:

    • 8 primitive types in Java: byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean char

Declaring a Variable {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

When we declare a variable of a certain type in Java:

  • Our computer sets aside exactly enough bits to hold a thing of that type
    • e.g. Declaring an int x; sets aside a box of 32 bits
    • e.g. Declaring an double y sets aside a box of 64 bits
  • Java creates an internal table that maps each variable name to a location
  • Java does NOT write anything into the reserved boxes

Assignment {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

When we assign a value to the variable:

  • Java will fill the box with bits representing the variable
    • e.g. x = 32;
  • Instead of writing memory box contents in binary, we'll write them in human readable symbols


The Golden Rule of Equals (GRoE)

  • Given variables y and x:
    • y = x copies all the bits from x into y

Reference Types

  • Each Java type has a different way to interpret the bits:
    • 8 primitive types in Java: byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean char

Everything else, including arrays, is a reference type

Class Instantiation

  • When we instantiate an Object (e.g. new Walrus(1000, 8.3);):
    • Java first allocates a box of bits for each instance variable of the class and fills with a default value (e.g. 0, null)
    • The constructor then usually fills every such box with some other value

Reference Type Variable Declaration

  • When we declare a variable of any reference type (e.g. ``):
    • Java allocates exactly a box of size 64 bits, no matter what type of object
    • These bits can either set to:
      • Null (all zeros)
      • The 64 bit address of a specific instance of that class (returned by new)
  • The 64 bit addresses are meaningless to us as humans, so we'll represent:
    • All zero addresses with null
    • Non-zero addresses as arrows
    • => This is sometimes called box and pointer notation


Reference Types Obey the GRoE

  • Just as primitive types, the equals sign copies the bits
  • In terms of our visual metaphor, we copy the arrow by making the arrow in the b box point at the same instance as a


Parameter Passing

  • Given variables y and x:
    • y = x copies all the bits from x into y

Passing parameters obeys the same rule: Simply copy the bits to the new scope.


GRoE: Summary {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

  • b = a copies the bits from a into b
  • Passing parameters copies the bits

Instantiating Arrays

Arrays are also Objects (Reference type) .

int[] a = new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
  • Creates a 64 bit box for storing an int array address: Declaration
  • Creates a new Object, in this case an int array: Instantiation
  • Puts the address of this new Object into the 64 bit box name a: Assignment

Note: instantiated Objects can be lost ! If we were to reassign a to something else, we'd never be able to get the original Object back !

Introducing IntLists

public class IntList {
    public int first;
    public IntList rest;
    public IntList(int f, IntList r) {
        first = f;
        rest = r;
    /** Methods ... */
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        /** Instantiate a list */
        IntList L = new IntList(15, null);
        L = new IntList(10, L);
        L = new IntList(5, L);
        /** Methods */
  • While functional, "naked recursive" linked lists like the one above are hard to use
    • Users need to know Java references well, and be able to think recursively

Lec.4 - Node Based List

Rebranding and Bureaucracy

Let's move from IntList to singly linked list: SLList

public class IntNode {
    public int item;
    public IntNode next;
    public IntNode(int i, IntNode n) {
        item = i;
        next = n;

    An SLList is a list of integers, which hides the terrible truth of the nakedness within 
public class SLList {
    public IntNode first;
    public SLList(int x) {
        first = new IntNode(x, null);
        Adds x to the front of the list
    public void addFirst(int x) {
        first = new IntNode(x, first);
        Returns the first item in the list
    public int getFirst() {
        return first.item;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SLList L = new SLList(15); // no need to specify null !
        int x = L.getFirst();
  • SLList is much simpler to use. Simply use the provided methods.
    • Note that there is no efficient way to just add addFirst method to IntList class.


Access Control

A Potential SLList Danger {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

Users of our class might be tempted to try to manipulate our secret IntNode directly in uncouth ways !

SLList L = new SLList(15);
L.addFirst(10); =;


private keyword {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

We can prevent programmers from making such mistakes with the private keyword.

public class SLList {
    private IntNode first;

Use the private keyword to prevent code in other classes from using members (or constructors) of a class.

Why Restrict Access ? {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

Hide implementation details from users of our class

  • Less for user of class to understand
  • Safe for us to change private methods (implementation)

Nested Class

We can combine two classes into one file pretty simply.

public class SLList {
    public class IntNode {
        public int item;
        public IntNode next;
        public IntNode(int i, IntNode n) {
            item = i;
            next = n;
    // instance variables, constructors
    // and methods of SLList typically 
    // go below nested class definition
    private IntNode first;

Nested classes are useful when a class doesn't stand on its own and is obviously subordinate to another class.

Private Nested Class

We can make the nested class private if other classes should never use the nested class. In this case, making IntNode a nested private class makes sense, because it's hard to imagine other classes having a need to manipulate IntNodes.

public class SLList {
    private class IntNode {
        int item;
        IntNode next;
        IntNode(int i, IntNode n) {
            item = i;
            next = n;
  • Unimportant note: For private nested classes, access modifiers like public no longer really matter.

Static Nested Class

If the nested class never uses any instance variables or methods of the outer class, declare it static.

public class SLList {
    private static class IntNode {
  • static classes can't access outer class's instance variables or methods
    • static classes can't access my outer class's instance variables
  • Results in a minor savings of memory

Naïve Enhancement {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

Non-obvious improvements so far:

  • addFirst(int x): Rebranding: IntList -> IntNode
  • getFirst(): Bureaucracy: SLList
  • Access control: public -> private
  • Nested class: Bringing IntNode into SLList

Let's implement addLast() and size() method ! There are two ways to implement these methods: recursively or iteratively.

public class SLList {

    /** Adds a IntNode with item x if IntNode p has no next IntNode */
    private static void addLast(int x, IntNode p) {
        if ( == null) {
   = new IntNode(x, null);
        } else {
     * Adds x to the last of the list - Recursively
    public void addLast(int x) {
        SLList.addLast(x, first);

     * Adds x to the last of the list - Iteratively
    public void addLastIterative(int x) {
        IntNode p = first;

        /** Move p until it reaches the end of the list */
        while ( != null) {
            p =;
        } = new IntNode(x, null);

    /** Returns the size of the list that starts at IntNode p */
    private static int size(IntNode p) {
        if ( == null) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 1 + SLList.size(;
     * Returns the size of the list - Recursively
    public int size() {
        return SLList.size(first);

     * Returns the size of the list - Iteratively
    public int sizeIterative() {
        int s = 1;
        IntNode p = first;
        while ( != null) {
            s += 1;
            p =;
        return s;


size() method can be more efficient: the execution time of size() can be independent of the size of the list and always fast

  • Solution: Maintain a special size variable that caches the size of the list
    • Caching: putting aside data to speed up retrieval
  • TANSTAAAL ("There ain't no such thing as a free lunch")
    • Spreading the work over each add*() call is a net win in almost any circumstance (like below)

public class SLList {
    private static class IntNode {

    private IntNode first;
    private int size;
     * Adds x to the front of the list
    public void addFirst(int x) {
        first = new IntNode(x, first);
        size += 1;

    /** Adds a IntNode with item x if IntNode p has no next IntNode */
    private static void addLast(int x, IntNode p) {
        if ( == null) {
   = new IntNode(x, null);
        } else {
     * Adds x to the last of the list - Recursively
    public void addLast(int x) {
        SLList.addLast(x, first);
        size += 1;

     * Adds x to the last of the list - Iteratively
    public void addLastIterative(int x) {
        IntNode p = first;

        /** Move p until it reaches the end of the list */
        while ( != null) {
            p =;
        } = new IntNode(x, null);
        size += 1;
     * Returns the size of the list - Caching
    public int sizeCache() {
        return size;


Empty list

We can represent an empty list with the constructor below.

public class SLList {
    /** Creates an empty list */
    public SLList() {
        first = null;
        size = 0;

Bug and Special Case {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

But this empty list should raise an error when calling addLast() method (gonna refer to

One way to fix this is to create a special case for an empty list.

 * Adds x to the last of the list - Recursively
public void addLast(int x) {
    /** Fix the bug with an empty list */
    if (first == null) {
        first = new IntNode(x, null); // addFirst(x); also should work fine instead

    SLList.addLast(x, first);
    size += 1;

BUT: Simple code is (usually) good code

  • We want to restrict the amount of complexity in our life !
  • Special case aren't simple.

Sentinel Node

  • The fundamental problem here:
    • The empty list has a null first, and can't access !
  • The fix above: a bit ugly
    • Requires a special case
    • Most complex data structures will have many more gross special cases
  • => Make all SLLists (even empty) the same !

Create a special node that is always there. Let's call it a sentinel node.


public class SLList {
    /** The first node (if it exists) is at */
    private IntNode sentinel;
    private int size;

    /** Creates an empty list */
    public SLList() {
        sentinel = new IntNode(63, null);
        size = 0;

    public SLList(int x) {
        sentinel = new IntNode(63, null); = new IntNode(x, null);
        size = 1;
     * The methods below should also be modified
     * to be compatible with sentinel nodes


  • sentinel is never null, always points to sentinel node
  • Sentinel node's item needs to be some integer, but doesn't matter what value we pick
  • Had to fix constructors and methods to be compatible with sentinel nodes


  • Having a sentinel simplifies our addLast() method
    • No need for a special case to check if sentinel is null (since it's never null)
 * Adds x to the last of the list - Recursively
public void addLast(int x) {
    SLList.addLast(x, sentinel);
    size += 1;


An invariant is a condition that is guaranteed to be true during code execution (assuming there are no bugs in our code).

  • E.g. Our SLList with a sentinel node has at least the following invariants
    • The sentinel reference always points to a sentinel node
    • The first node (if it exists), is always at
    • The size variable is always the total number of items that have been added

Invariants make it easier to reason about code:

  • Can assume they are true to simplify code (e.g. addLast() doesn't need to worry about nulls)
  • Must ensure that methods preserve invariants

Lec.5 - Doubly Linked List and Arrays

Singly Linked List to Doubly Linked List {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

  • One downside of SLLists: Inserting at the back of an list is much slower than the front
    • How can fix it ?
  • Will having a last pointer result for fast operations on long list for all the methods below ?
    • addLast()
    • getLast()
    • removeLast()
    • size()
  • => removeLast() gonna be slow, since we don't have any pointer to the second last node (like .last.prev).

Doubly Linked List

Reverse pointers allow all operations (addLast, getLast, removeLast) to be fast.

  • We call such a list a doubly linked list or DLList as opposed to our earlier singly linked list or SLList

This approach, however, has an annoying special case: last sometimes points at the sentinel, and sometimes points at a real node.


Fancier Sentinel Node(s)

While fast, adding .last and .prev introduces lots of special case.

To avoid these, we can either:

  1. Add an additional sentBack sentinel at the end of the list
  2. Make our linked list circular, with a single sentinel in the middle
Double Sentinel {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}


Circular Sentinel {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}



One issue with our list classes: They only supports integers.

Java allows us to defer type selection until declaration using generics like below.

public class SLList<LochNess> {
    private class StuffNode {
        LochNess item;
        StuffNode next;
        StuffNode(LochNess i, StuffNode n) {
            item = i;
            next = n;
    private StuffNode sentinel;
    private int size;
    public SLList() {
        sentinel = new StuffNode(63, null);
        size = 0;

public class SLListLauncher {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SLList<String> s1 = new SLList<>("bone");
        // SLList<String> s1 = new SLList<String>("bone"); 
        // should also work even though more verbose
Rules of thumb of generics {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}
  • In the .java file implementing our data structure, we have to specify "generic type" only once at the very top of the file: e.g. <LockNess>
  • In the .java files that use our data structure, we specify desired type once
    • Write our desired type during declaration
      • e.g. SLList<String> s1
    • Use the empty diamond operator <> during instantiation
      • e.g. new SLList<>("bone");
  • When declaring or instantiating our data structure, we use the reference type below
    • int -> Integer
    • double -> Double
    • char -> Character
    • boolean -> Boolean
    • long -> Long
    • etc ...


Look Back At Memory A Bit {ignore=False .ignorenumbering}

  • To store information, we need memory boxes, which we can get in Java by declaring variables or instantiating objects. E.g.:
    • int x;: Gives us a memory box of 32 bits that stores ints
    • Walrus w1;: Gives us a memory box of 64 bits that stores Walrus references
    • Walrus w2 = new Walrus: Gives us a memory box of 64 bits that stores Walrus references, and also gives us 96 bits for storing the int wight and double tuskSize of our Walrus

General Features of Array

  • Arrays are a special kind of object which consists of a numbered sequence of memory boxes
    • To get $i$ th item of array A: A[i]
    • Unlike class instances which have named memory boxes
  • Arrays consist of:
    • A fixed integer length (can't change !)
      • c.f. Linked list can expand till it use up memory
    • A sequence of N memory boxes where N == length, such that:
      • All of the boxes hold the same type of value (and have same number of bits)
      • The boxes are numbered 0 through length - 1
  • Like instances of classes:
    • We get one reference when it's created
    • If we reassign all variables containing that reference, we can never get the array back
  • Unlike classes, arrays do not have methods

Basics Array Syntax

Three valid notations to instantiate array in Java:

  1. x = new int[3];: Creates array containing 3 int boxes (32 x 2 = 96 bits total) and each container gets a default value 0
    • c.f. String[] s = new String[6];: Creates array containing 6 String reference boxes (64 x 6 bits total) and each container gets a default value null
  2. y = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  3. int[] z = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};: Can omit the new if we are also declaring a variable

Copy Array {ignore=True .ignorenumbering}

Two ways to copy arrays:

  1. Item by item using a loop
  2. Using arraycopy:
    • System.arraycopy(x, 0, y, 2, 3);
    • (In Python: y[2:5] = x[0:3])
    • Takes 5 parameters
      • Source array
      • Start position in source
      • Target array
      • Start position in target
      • Number to copy
    • Likely to be faster, particularly for larger arrays, and gives more compact code

2D Array


Arrays vs. Classes

  • Array indices can be computed at runtime
int[] x = new int[]{100, 101, 102, 103};
int indexOfInterest = askuser();
int interestedInt = x[indexOfInterest];
  • Class member variable names CANNOT be computed and used at runtime
    • The only (easy) way to access a member of a class is with hard-coded dot notation
String fieldOfInterest = "mass";
Planet earth = new Plane(6e24, "earth");
double interestedField = earth[fieldOfInterest]; // cause error
// earth.fieldOfInterest doesn't work either.