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Sam edited this page Jul 15, 2024 · 11 revisions

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Arch Linux

I maintain two AUR packages for CrabFetch;

If you don't have an AUR helper and just want a quick install, run the following;

sudo pacman -S base-devel
git clone
cd crab-fetch
makepkg -si

This will automatically build and install the latest stable version of CrabFetch.


.deb packages are distributed in releases. Go to the latest release and download the .deb file from it, and either install it via your desktop environment's GUI (e.g Discover) or open a terminal and run;

sudo apt install ./crabfetch.deb

(Manual) Release Binaries


If you are using release binaries, ensure you have the required dependencies as you won't have your manager install them for you.

If none of the above apply to you and your distro is not already packaging CrabFetch by itself, go to the latest release and download the binary. From there, simply move it into something like /usr/local/bin.

cp crabfetch-x86-64 /usr/local/bin/crabfetch

Be aware that this means your package manager will not be aware of CrabFetch.
To uninstall, simply re-delete the binary from the directory;

rm /usr/local/bin/crabfetch

(Manual) Building from Source.


If you are building from source, ensure you have the required dependencies as you won't have your manager install them for you.

Only recommended if your either a security nerd or are a developer and want to change things around.
Check the Building from Source page.