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LivacoNew edited this page Apr 21, 2024 · 4 revisions

How to install CrabFetch.


Operating System

CrabFetch only works in Linux. Any other operating system is not supported for the time being.
This is simply due to how CrabFetch gets information, it relies heavily on Linux's architecture.

Mount Module

If you wish to use the mounts module, you will require the df command. Typically, this is already included as a part of GNU's core utilities.
To check it's installed, simply open a terminal and run it. Anything that isn't a "command not found" means it's installed.

GPU Module

There are two ways to get GPU info. For each you'll require either;

  • glxinfo for the "glxinfo" method.
  • pciutils for the "pcisysfile" method.


glxinfo is typically included as a part of the mesa-utils package. Check with your own distro. To verify if it's installed, just like df run it in your terminal and as long as it doesn't give a "command not found" your fine.


pciutils itself isn't technically needed, it's simply to get the pci.ids file it includes. Simply check if the pciutils package is installed. Once again check with your own distro as it may call the package something else.


Arch Linux

I maintain two AUR packages for CrabFetch;

For a quick stable installation, run the following;

sudo pacman -S base-devel
git clone
cd crab-fetch
makepkg -si

This will automatically build and install the stable version of CrabFetch.

Release Binaries

The simplest way is to go to the latest release and download the file for your CPU's architecture. From there, simply move it into something like /usr/local/bin.

cp crabfetch-x86-64 /usr/local/bin/crabfetch

Be aware that this means your package manager will not be aware of CrabFetch.
To uninstall, simply re-delete the binary from the directory;

rm /usr/local/bin/crabfetch

Building from Source.

Only recommended if your either a security nerd or are a developer and want to change things around.
Either way clone the repo, build it with cargo and either use cargo install to put it into ~/.cargo/bin or move the release manually into /usr/local/bin

# Ensure you've got ~/.cargo/bin in your $PATH for this!!
git clone
cd CrabFetch
cargo install --path .


# If you want to manually move the binary into /usr/local/bin
git clone
cd CrabFetch
cargo build -rv
cd ./target/release
mv ./crabfetch /usr/local/bin/crabfetch