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Packages Module

Sam edited this page Jul 6, 2024 · 1 revision

The packages module displays the number of packages installed on your system from all the package managers you have installed. It compiles together each entry's format as one line.


Insert into the modules array.


  • title -> (String) The module title.
  • format -> (String) The format per package manager. Check below to see available placeholders.
  • title_color -> (Optional/String) Override the title color to be used.
  • title_bold -> (Optional/Bool) Make the title bold.
  • title_italic -> (Optional/Bool) Make the title italic.
  • seperator -> (Optional/Char) Override the separator to be used.
format placeholders;
  • {manager} -> The name of the package manager.
  • {count} -> The count of packages from this manager.
Default Configuration
title = "Packages"
format = "{count} ({manager})"


modules = [

title = "Packages"
format = "{count} ({manager})"