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Longus edited this page Nov 30, 2021 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the 6-Pack_CNC_Controller wiki!

Basic Setup

Follow the order shown in the sidebar, under 6-Pack Setup.

Choosing Components


Grbl_Esp32 firmware wiki

Example Machine Definitions here are for reference only. They are not actively maintained, so they may not compile in future versions of Grbl_ESP32.

Machine definitions in the main Grbl_ESP32 repo are maintained and can be used as a reference to fix problems:

You can also ask for help on Slack{✪is this still current, what's the link?} Discord.

FluidNC firmware wiki

This firmware for the ESP32 is a leap forward from Grbl_Esp32, and is currently under intensive development.

Power Supply

The recommended voltage is 12VDC - 36VDC (40VDC Max) for version 1.5 and later and 12VDC - 24VDC (28VDC Max) for earlier versions. Current should be rated for whatever your stepper drivers will need plus about 1A extra for the rest of the electronics.

ESP32 Dev Kit

The 6-Pack CNC Controller uses a plug in ESP32 Dev Kit Module. There is some great information about the module types used with Grbl_ESP32 here. The bottom line is you need a 38 pin, 2 x 19 module with male pins on the bottom side. Row spacing can be 1.0" 1.1" or 1.2". The ESP32 CPU in the module should be the dual core ESP32-WROOM-32D. Espressif calls this Dev Kit module the ESP32-DevKitC-32D

Note: If your enclosure can deal with an external antenna, get that one{✪name?}. The Wifi performance will be significantly better. Here they are at Mouser

Stepper Motor Drivers

Full rated current for these drivers cannot be used, unless cooling with a fan and module heatsinks are utilized.

CNC I/O Modules

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