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Visual Studio Setup

Brik94 edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 2 revisions

Visual Studio Setup Instructions

1. Clone the Project > Open in Visual Studio. Your Solution Explorer will look like this.

Visual Studio Solution Explorer

2. Opening & Testing API Project

  • To Open API Project: Click the arrow beside LostAtlasCAH.API and double click the LostAtlasCAH.API.sln. The solution should look like the following image. Now click Build in the top toolbar.
    API Project

  • If you click the IIS Express button to run the API Project it should open a web browser and show demo API values.
    IIS Button Browser

3. Opening & Testing React Project

  • To go back to both project folders (REACT + API) Click the Solutions & Folders icon I've circled.
    Solution Explorer

  • You're gonna want a Terminal window to interact with. I recommend this terminal extension.
    After you install open it by using shortcut "Ctrl+\, Ctrl+\"

Note: The rest of these instructions will be the same for the Visual Studio Code Instructions

  • Run React Project: In the terminal go into React project folder with command "cd LostAstlasCAH.React"
  • Run command run "npm install" to get the node_modules folder
  • Run command "node server.min.js"
  • Go to the browser and type in "localhost:3000". The react project should open in browser.
  • To close the server use command "Ctr + C" while in the terminal.
    cmd React