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carsakiller edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 3 revisions

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This page includes some lesser known tips that don't really fit anywhere else in the wiki.

Support for Hex Colours

The language server supports hexadecimal colour definitions, which allows your editor to display a colour picker.

Colour picker in Visual Studio Code

The colour picker will appear when you define an 8 character hexadecimal value in a string (with no leading #).

Inlay Hints

Inlay hints are little bits of context that can be enabled to appear in your code.

Contextual hints appearing in code

They are disabled by default but we'll walk through how to enable and configure them.


  1. If you are using VS Code, configure editor.inlayHints.enabled to your liking.
  2. Set Lua.hint.enable to true


There are many different settings that let you change when hints appear. These settings can be seen on the settings page.

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