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carsakiller edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 4 revisions

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The language server also offers a code formatter so you can easily make your code prettier.

It also offers code style checking

This functionality is implemented by CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle.

For any issues related to the formatter, please create them in the respective repository.


The configuration file must be called .editorconfig and uses YAML syntax. This file must be in the project root, however, you can have multiple in different directories if you want the various directories to format differently.

A template .editorconfig can be found at CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle/lua.template.editorconfig.

For more info, refer to CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle.

Default Configuration

To set a default global configuration across projects, navigate to your configuration file and perform the below:


This format is used by Visual Studio Code's settings.json and .luarc.json files.



This format is used by custom configuration files, often used with Neovim.

Lua = {
  format = {
    enable = true,
    -- Put format options here
    -- NOTE: the value should be STRING!!
    defaultConfig = {
      indent_style = "space",
      indent_size = "2",

ℹ️ Note: Although indentation is used in the examples above, it cannot be customized using the above method as the editor's indentation settings will be used instead.

Code Style Checking

To enable code style checking, you need to add the following entry to diagnostics.neededFileStatus:


["codestyle-check"]: "Any"


["codestyle-check"] = "Any"
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