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conventAccordion is an accordion plugin for jQuery.


Styling options are given with the declaration of the ol (ordered list).

As class:

theme					 // basic (default), dark, light, stitch or spineless
rounded					 // not-rounded (default), rounded
orientation				 // horizontal (default) or vertical

As style:

width					 // in px, auto makes accordion responsive to window size change
height					 // in px, auto makes height 1/3 of width
list-style-type			 // decimal (default), decimal-leading-zero, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, upper-latin, none


These are the default settings for the conventAccordion plugin:

pauseOnHover: false,	 // pause on hover
actOnHover: false,		 // activate slide on hover

autoPlay: false,		 // automatically cycle through slides
slideInterval: 3000,	 // time between slide cycles
continuous: true,		 // autoPlay one cycle or continuous

startSlide: 1,			 // displays slide (n) on page load
remember: true,          // display last active slide on page refresh	
slideSpeed: 600,		 // slide animation speed
easing: 'swing', 		 // custom easing function

autoScaleImages: false,	 // if a single image is placed within the slide, this will be automatically scaled to fit
minContainerWidth : 300, // minimum width the accordion will resize to
maxContainerWidth : 960, // maximum width the accordion will resize to

linkable : false         // link slides via hash			

prevText: '«',	 // text of prev control
nextText: '»',	 // text of next control
playText: 'Play',		 // text of play control		 
stopText: 'Stop',		 // text of stop control		
prevTitle: 'Previous',	 // title of prev control
nextTitle: 'Next',		 // title of next control
playTitle: 'Play',		 // title of play control
stopTitle: 'Stop'		 // title of stop control


These are the methods for the conventAccordion plugin:

play		 			 // trigger autoPlay on a stopped accordion
stop					 // stop an accordion playing
next					 // trigger the next slide
prev				 	 // trigger the previous slide
activate,n				 // trigger slide n
destroy					 // remove the accordion, destroying all event handlers and styles (unstyled html content will remain)
debug					 // returns a debug object
navigation				 // create an external navigation structure
current					 // current active slide
totalslides				 // number of slides

All of these methods are chainable (i.e. they return the original DOM object) with the exception of the debug, current and totalslides method. To call a method, use:


To chain methods:



These are the callbacks for the conventAccordion plugin:

onActivate	 			 // callback on slide activate
onSlideOpen				 // callback on slide open
onSlideClose			 // callback on slide close
onLoad				 	 // callback on accordion load


v1.2.0 - 15/09/2013

  • Second way to create conventAccordion using HTML5 data attributes without additional JavaScript code.
  • Added option remember. true(default): last active slide is displayed on page refresh false: startSlide is displayed on page refresh
  • startSlide: 0, will now start accordion with all slides closed.

v1.1.0 - 15/06/2013

  • Added callback functions.

v1.0.3 - 11/03/2013

  • Added css files for vertical slides, gallery and rotating banner.

v1.0.2 - 11/03/2013

  • Update for publishing on

v1.0.1 - 09/03/2013

  • Corrected error in Manifest.

v1.0.0 - 08/03/2013

  • First full production version.
  • Supports now spineless accordions to be used as gallery slidedeck and rotating banner.
  • Extended navigation functions (external method navigation).

v0.1.1 - 21/02/2013

  • corrected an error in the readme file.

v0.1 - 26/01/2013

  • first release