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mth - A Maths library

mth is a maths library built around template classes to work with objects such as vectors, matrices and quaternions, with helper classes to deal with solving equations. No guarantees of stability or quality atm so be warned.


To build from source, you will need cmake and a c++ compiler supporting c++17.

First, clone the repo and run cmake:

$ git clone
$ cd mth && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. # Optionally pass -DTESTS=ON to run tests when building

Then run the generated build files, on mac/linux there should be a Makefile in the build directory that you can run with make. On windows there should be a Visual Studio solution file mth.sln, open this and build the solution.

After building there should be a libmth.a or mth.lib file for linking into programs that use mth.


  • Relevant constants defined: e.g. pi and tau, coordinate bases.
  • N-dimensional vector of any given scalar type (that has most arithmetic operators / functions defined on it) for N at least 1.
  • N,M-dimensional matrix of any given scalar type (same as above) for N and M at least 2.
  • Augmentations of square matrices with any type that supports addition and scalar multiplication (e.g. float, mth::comp, mth::tvec), with row operations and functions to convert to echelon / reduced echelon form.
  • Quaternions of any given scalar type (you get the idea) with arithmetic operators and functions for representing rotations in 3-space (and converting to the equivalent matrices).
  • Complex number representations with arithmetic and overloads for std::exp, std::cos, std::sin and std::abs.
  • Polynomials with arithmetic, a solve() method for finding roots and a value() method for evaluating.
  • Numerical calculation of the limits of sequences or of complex functions at a point.
  • Power series with complex coefficients allowing evaluation at points and differentiation/integration.
  • Differentiation and integration of polynomials.
  • Somewhat pretty printing.

Planned features:

  • Numeric methods for finding roots of arbitrary functions
  • Numerical series expansions