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Task #09

LunaNaima edited this page Dec 15, 2020 · 4 revisions

Tangible Computing: ESP32

Setting up the ESP took a bit of time, but it worked out in the end. I chose the GDIO 4 with the touch sensor. After setup, I tried several different materials and their effects, such as a copper bell, a graphite pen, aluminium clippers, a power socket with three outputs and a measuring tape. I discovered a resistance (measured in numeral drops in the 115200 Band) in all of the materials. I also tested a small circuit, as seen on the video, with a graphite pen and multiple touch areas.

The first thing that came to mind was a kind of touch game, such as a Twister for fingers. An idea was to create a quiz, such as shown here.

I wanted to create a game with gradual decrease of resistance, "who can press the hardest", but this didn't seem like a good concept since there's a limit to the restistance. So I went on to brainstorm some more.


Music playing tool or game
At home, at an exhibition, at a theater, opera ...
To give music samples or practice musical scales
Musicians or music-interested people
It works with a touchable poster or paper with a piano print


The idea behind this concept is simple: I would like to create a set of piano keys, that react to pressure and emit the associated key. For example, I would play a scale on the keys and receive the audio feedback immediately, in order to improve my playing. Since a scale covers eight notes, I would need at least eight GPIOs with touch and audio compatiblilty. if this proves too complicated during implementation, another idea would be to offer only two or three touch keys on the piano and let these play short snippets of (classical) music. This idea could be implemented in operas or theater houses, to give the visitors insights on the music being presented or show them which future pieces will be be played.

In order to do this, I would need multiple cables and code an audio response to each key connected to a cable. A prototype could be created as a set of piano keys with a touch pad covering the key and an audio cable connected on each, leading to the response with an audio of the associated key. As in the draft shown below, I would need a I2S Amplifier, a speaker, a connected SD card with the music files and other cables. Also I would need to program the proper code for this setup.