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Saving schematic files

Jadran Kotnik edited this page May 5, 2015 · 3 revisions

To save a schematic file you'll first have to define a region. The easiest way to define a region is to use the GUI that you can see above. Clicking either of the red or blue point buttons will bring that specific point to the player, aligned diagonally at the feet level. Points can be made visible by clicking the OFF button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

To fine tune the location of the points you can use the controls bellow the buttons. If you know the exact coordinates you may even input those directly into the controls.

Once you're happy with the selection you can name your schematic file and hit that Save button. If you'd like to add an icon to your schematic file you can add <blockname>; or <blockname>,<metadata>; before the filename. Bellow are a few examples:

  • minecraft:enchanting_table;enchanting room
    • filename: enchanting room
    • icon: enchanting table
  • minecraft:log,1;tree farm
    • filename: tree farm
    • icon: spruce wood log

Alternatively you can use the /schematicaSave command to save the schematic on the server side (only works in SP and if the server has the mod installed). The main advantage of saving a schematic via the command is that all inventories and other tile entities will be saved with their contents. That data is lost on the client side.