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Haskell version of hole

When I visit raspberry pi' ssh server on some places, I must set port forwarding on the home route, and set a dynamic DNS. If the route is not your's, you will helpless.

I think it may have another way, so I try ssh port forwarding ssh -CfNgR remote-port:localhost:local-port user@remote, then visit the remote-port.

The hole is an other way similar ssh port forwarding. On the global server create a holed, and the target host start hole. Last you can visit the holed to replace the real server.

The hole suit the situation: A(private) can connect B(global), C(private) can connect B, but B can't connect C, B can't connect A, and A can't connect C.

The hole support protocol tcp tcp6 udp udp6 and unix socket.

Compile from source

Compile with nix

nix-build default.nix

Compile with stack

stack build


Local to Remote

  • On server.
holed -H tcp://server:port --addr tcp://server:portout
  • On local mathine
hole -H tcp://server:port --addr tcp://localhost:portin

Then you can access the local server via. tcp://server:portout

Remote to Local

  • On server
holed -H tcp://server:port --addr tcp://localhost:portin --use-remote-to-local
  • On local machine
hole -H tcp://server:port --addr tcp://localhost:portout --use-remote-to-local

Then you can access the remote server via. tcp://localhost:portout



$ hole -h
hole - Hole Client

Usage: hole [-H|--hole-addr ADDRESS] [-a|--addr ADDRESS] [--use-remote-to-local]
            [-l|--log-level LEVEL] [-n|--name NAME] [-m|--method METHOD]
            [-c|--cipher CIPHER] [-k|--key KEY]
  Hole Client

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  -H,--hole-addr ADDRESS   Hole address
  -a,--addr ADDRESS        Address
  --use-remote-to-local    Use remote to local mode, default is local to remote
  -l,--log-level LEVEL     Log level
  -n,--name NAME           Client name
  -m,--method METHOD       Crypto method. support cbc cfb ecb ctr. default cfb
  -c,--cipher CIPHER       Crypto cipher. support aes128 aes192 aes256 blowfish
                           blowfish64 blowfish128 blowfish256 blowfish448 cast5
                           camellia128 des des_eee3 des_ede3 des_eee2 des_ede2
                           twofish128 twofish192 twofish256 none. default none
  -k,--key KEY             Crypto key.


$ holed -h
holed - Hole Server

Usage: holed [-H|--hole-addr ADDRESS] [-a|--addr ADDRESS]
             [--use-remote-to-local] [-l|--log-level LEVEL] [-m|--method METHOD]
             [-c|--cipher CIPHER] [-k|--key KEY]
  Hole Server

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  -H,--hole-addr ADDRESS   Hole address
  -a,--addr ADDRESS        Address
  --use-remote-to-local    Use remote to local mode, default is local to remote
  -l,--log-level LEVEL     Log level
  -m,--method METHOD       Crypto method. one of cbc cfb ecb ctr
  -c,--cipher CIPHER       Crypto cipher. one of aes128 aes192 aes256 blowfish
                           blowfish64 blowfish128 blowfish256 blowfish448 cast5
                           camellia128 des des_eee3 des_ede3 des_eee2 des_ede2
                           twofish128 twofish192 twofish256 none
  -k,--key KEY             Crypto key.


Forward local ssh server to remote

# Local  IP is
# Server IP is

# Now on server
holed -H tcp:// --addr tcp://

# On local machine
hole -H tcp:// --addr tcp://

# Now visit Local machine
ssh root@ -p 4001

Forward remote mysql port to local

# Local  IP is
# Server IP is

# Now on server
holed -H tcp:// --addr tcp:// --use-remote-to-local

# On local machine
hole -H tcp:// --addr tcp:// --use-remote-to-local

# Now visit remote mysql server
mysql -h -P 3306