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Welcome to the ToDO Management project! This project was created as a learning tool to gain hands-on experience with Spring Boot, a popular Java-based framework used for building web applications. The project focuses on creating a simple yet functional To-Do management system, allowing users to manage their tasks efficiently.

Key Features:

  • User Management: Register, update, retrieve, and delete user accounts.
  • To-Do Management: Add, update, retrieve, and delete to-do items.
  • Search Functionality: Search for to-do items based on a query.
  • User-Specific To-Dos: View to-do items specific to a user, including completed and incomplete tasks.

Technologies Used:

  • Spring Boot: For building the backend services.
  • Spring Data JPA: For database interactions.
  • Spring Security: For securing the application.
  • MySQL: As the relational database.
  • ModelMapper: For object mapping.
  • Lombok: To reduce boilerplate code.

Project Documentation

Table of Contents

Project Summary

  • Name: todo-management
  • Description: Demo project for Spring Boot ToDO Management
  • Java Version: 17


This controller manages user-related operations such as user registration, retrieval, update, and deletion.

  • Base Path: /api/users


Register User

  • Path: POST /api/users
  • Description: Registers a new user.
  • Request Body: UserCreationDto
  • Response: UserResponseDto
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 201 CREATED (Success)
    • 400 BAD REQUEST (Invalid request)
    • 409 CONFLICT (User already exists)

Get User by ID

  • Path: GET /api/users/{id}
  • Description: Retrieves user details by ID.
  • Path Variable: id (User ID)
  • Response: UserResponseDto
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK (Success)
    • 404 NOT FOUND (User not found)

Delete User

  • Path: DELETE /api/users/{id}
  • Description: Deletes a user by ID.
  • Path Variable: id (User ID)
  • Response: String message
  • HTTP Method: DELETE
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK (Success)
    • 404 NOT FOUND (User not found)

Update User

  • Path: PUT /api/users/{id}
  • Description: Updates user details by ID.
  • Path Variable: id (User ID)
  • Request Body: UserResponseDto
  • Response: UserResponseDto
  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK (Success)
    • 400 BAD REQUEST (Invalid request)
    • 404 NOT FOUND (User not found)


This controller manages todo item-related operations such as adding, retrieving, updating, and deleting todo items.

  • Base Path: /api/todos


Add Todo

  • Path: POST /api/todos
  • Description: Adds a new todo item.
  • Request Body: ToDoDto
  • Response: ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 201 CREATED (Success)
    • 400 BAD REQUEST (Invalid request)

Add Todo With User

  • Path: POST /api/todos/{id}
  • Description: Adds a new todo item for a specific user.
  • Path Variable: id (User ID)
  • Request Body: ToDoDto
  • Response: ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK (Success)
    • 400 BAD REQUEST (Invalid request)
    • 404 NOT FOUND (User not found)

Get Todo by ID

  • Path: GET /api/todos/{id}
  • Description: Retrieves todo item details by ID.
  • Path Variable: id (Todo ID)
  • Response: ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK (Success)
    • 404 NOT FOUND (Todo item not found)

Get All Todo Items

  • Path: GET /api/todos
  • Description: Retrieves all todo items.
  • Response: List of ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK

Update Todo

  • Path: PUT /api/todos/{id}
  • Description: Updates todo item details by ID.
  • Path Variable: id (Todo ID)
  • Request Body: ToDoDto
  • Response: ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK (Success)
    • 400 BAD REQUEST (Invalid request)
    • 404 NOT FOUND (Todo item not found)

Delete Todo

  • Path: DELETE /api/todos/{id}
  • Description: Deletes a todo item by ID.
  • Path Variable: id (Todo ID)
  • Response: String message
  • HTTP Method: DELETE
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK

Complete Todo

  • Path: PATCH /api/todos/{id}/complete
  • Description: Marks a todo item as complete.
  • Path Variable: id (Todo ID)
  • Response: ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: PATCH
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK

InComplete Todo

  • Path: PATCH /api/todos/{id}/in-complete
  • Description: Marks a todo item as incomplete.
  • Path Variable: id (Todo ID)
  • Response: ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: PATCH
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK

Search Todo

  • Path: GET /api/todos/search
  • Description: Searches todo items based on a query.
  • Request Param: query (Search query)
  • Response: List of ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK

Get Todos by User

  • Path: GET /api/todos/user/{id}
  • Description: Retrieves all todo items for a specific user.
  • Path Variable: id (User ID)
  • Response: Set of ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK

Get Completed Todos by User

  • Path: GET /api/todos/user/complete/{id}
  • Description: Retrieves completed todo items for a specific user.
  • Path Variable: id (User ID)
  • Response: Set of ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK

Get InCompleted Todos by User

  • Path: GET /api/todos/user/in-complete/{id}
  • Description: Retrieves incomplete todo items for a specific user.
  • Path Variable: id (User ID)
  • Response: Set of ToDoDto
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • HTTP Status Codes:
    • 200 OK


This class handles global exceptions and provides customized error responses.


  • Catches specific exceptions and generates appropriate error responses.
  • Provides consistent error handling across the application.

Exception Handlers

Handle EmailAlreadyTakenException

  • Exception: EmailAlreadyTakenException
  • Description: Handles the case when a user tries to register with an email that is already taken.
  • Response: ErrorDetails with HttpStatus.CONFLICT (409)
  • Error Code: "EMAIL_TAKEN"

Handle ResourceNotFoundException

  • Exception: ResourceNotFoundException
  • Description: Handles the case when a requested resource is not found.
  • Response: ErrorDetails with HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND (404)
  • Error Code: "NOT_FOUND"

Handle UsernameAlreadyTakenException

  • Exception: UsernameAlreadyTakenException
  • Description: Handles the case when a user tries to register with a username that is already taken.
  • Response: ErrorDetails with HttpStatus.CONFLICT (409)
  • Error Code: "USERNAME_TAKEN"

Handle UserNotFoundException

  • Exception: UserNotFoundException
  • Description: Handles the case when a requested user is not found.
  • Response: ErrorDetails with HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND (404)
  • Error Code: "USER_NOT_FOUND"

Handle Global Exception

  • Exception: Exception (Fallback for all other exceptions)
  • Description: Handles all other exceptions that are not explicitly handled.
  • Response: ErrorDetails with HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR (500)
  • Error Code: "INTERNAL_ERROR"

Custom Exceptions


  • Description: Thrown when a user tries to register with an email that is already taken.
  • Response: Error message: "Email is already taken"
  • HTTP Status Code: 409 CONFLICT


  • Description: Thrown when a requested resource is not found.
  • Response: Error message: "Resource not found"
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 NOT FOUND


  • Description: Thrown when a user tries to register with a username that is already taken.
  • Response: Error message: "Username is already taken"
  • HTTP Status Code: 409 CONFLICT


  • Description: Thrown when a requested user is not found.
  • Response: Error message: "User not found"
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 NOT FOUND


  • Spring Boot Starter Data JPA
  • Spring Boot Starter Web
  • MySQL Connector J (runtime scope)
  • Lombok (optional)
  • Spring Boot Starter Test (test scope)
  • ModelMapper
  • Spring Boot Starter Security

Build Configuration

  • Build Tool: Maven
  • Spring Boot Plugin: spring-boot-maven-plugin