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Basic Charting functions for Powershell. Create png files You provide, one or more Ordered Hashtable

Recently Added feature(s)

You can now specify the exact colors you want to use for your datas points. Presently for the New-PieChartImage. See examples below.

Future Feature(s)

  • Add posibility to specify the exact color for lines charts. Just like for the pie chart.
  • Provide comment base help like mentionned in the issues.
  • Reorganise the module, create a psm1 and psd1 file..


-New-LineChartImage, usage example(s):

Create 3 ordered Hashtables, for coherence, keys should be the same accros hashtables.

$OrderedHashtable1 = [Ordered]@{a=3;b=8;c=6}
$OrderedHashtable2 = [Ordered]@{a=5;b=2;c=10}
$OrderedHashtable3 = [Ordered]@{a=3;b=12}

Then pass the three ordered hastables to New-LineCHartImage by using the -Hash parameter, or by using the pipeline (second example). The below command will generate .png file in your current directory

New-LineChartImage -Path $pwd\LineChartFromThePipeLine.png -Hash $OrderedHashtable1,$OrderedHashtable2,$OrderedHashtable3 -Title 'I am a Title' -Legend -LegendTitle 'I am a LegendTitle' -LegendText 'FirstHash','SecondHash','ThirdHash'
$OrderedHashtable1,$OrderedHashtable2,$OrderedHashtable3 | New-LineChartImage -Path $pwd\LineChartFromThePipeLine.png -Title 'I am a Title' -Legend -LegendTitle 'I am a LegendTitle' -LegendText 'FirstHash','SecondHash','ThirdHash'

Image of New-LineChartImage


-New-LineChartImage, usage example(s):

Create a hashtable containing your key/value pair

$HashTable = @{a=12;b=150;x=71}

Then pass the hashtable to the -Hash parameter, use the -Unite parameter to describe your data. Using the -Radius parameter, or using the -ThreeDimension switch will change the look of the resuling pie chart. The below command will generate .png file in your current directory

New-PieChartImage -Hash $HashTable -Title "Title" -LegendTile "Legend" -Path $PWD\PieChartExample1.png -Unite 'patates' -ThreeDimension -Radius 99
New-PieChartImage -Hash $HashTable -Title "Title" -LegendTile "Legend" -Path $PWD\PieChartExample2.png -Unite 'patates' -ThreeDimension -Radius 25

Image of New-LineChartImage Image of New-LineChartImage

You can create a more complex hashtable, to specify the exact color of each data point. For each key, you must providea hastable, with the following key/value pair: @{color=[system.drawing.color];point=[int]}

$MoreCompleHashtable = @{
  a = @{
    color = [System.Drawing.ColorTranslator]::FromHtml("#34495e")
    point = 12
  b = @{
    color = [System.Drawing.ColorTranslator]::FromHtml("#abebc6")
    point = 150
  x = @{
    color =[System.Drawing.ColorTranslator]::FromHtml("#922b21")
    point = 71

Make sure the you use "color" and "point"!

Fairly long example:

Lets say you want to render your disk size as pie chart and you want to save this in a png file.. (i know, i know..) Let's first grab your disk size from wmi and transform the data in a human comprehensible way.. Charts, to my knowledge accepts only ints, no double, that's why i rounded freespace and usedspace to 0:

$a = get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk | select deviceid,@{l='TotalSize';e={[Math]::Round($($_.size/1GB),0)}},@{l='FreeSpace';e={[Math]::Round($($_.freespace/1GB),0)}},@{l='UsedSpace';e={[Math]::Round((($_.size-$_.freespace)/1gb),0)}}

deviceid TotalSize FreeSpace UsedSpace
-------- --------- --------- ---------
C:             464       390        74

Now me must create a new hashtable (not ordered since we will be outputing a PIE) containing the UsedSpace and FreeSpace

$DiskData = @{FreeSpace=[int]$($a.FreeSpace);UsedSpace=[int]$($a.UsedSpace)}

Name                           Value                               
----                           -----                               
UsedSpace                      74                              
FreeSpace                      390

We know have the DiskData variable we can feed to New-PieChartImage

New-PieChartImage -Hash $DiskData -Title "$($a.DeviceId) Size Report, size: $($a.TotalSize) GB" -Unite ' Gb' -Path $PWD\disk_c.png -Radius 99

And voila! DiskSize


  • Colors are randomly picked. Maybe i can find a way to make sure it's picked in a certain order.
  • I personally using these functions to created daily mail report.


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