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@Lymphatus Lymphatus released this 11 Apr 15:52

⚠️ This is an ALPHA release and it's under heavy development. Please use with care and report any issue or feedback here. ⚠️

This is the very first (early) release of Caesium Image Compressor 2.0. It's a complete rewrite of the first version, trying to improve every aspect of it.


  • 💻 Complete code rewrite.
  • 📈 Caesium is now using libcaesium for compressing. It's just faster and better than before.
  • 🗂 You can now use the lossless option to compress without any quality loss.
  • 🖥 Cross-platform! Initially OS X and Windows will be supported, but Linux should be next.
  • 🏃🏼 Multicore: when Caesium first came out there was not as many cores as today.


Caesium needs your feedback. Please fill an issue if you find any bug, have some advices or just some concern. Thanks!