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Releases: M4X40/UDumptoBlender

Temp fix for CV2 not downloading properly

03 Feb 01:10
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just a temporary fix to allow users to manually install cv2 so their script doesnt break.

To use:

  1. Navigate to \Blender 3.4\3.4\python\lib\site-packages\.
  2. Download the attached and unzip it to the directory listed above.
  3. Ensure that nothing gets laid out like \site-packages\cv2\cv2\[files], it should look like \site-packages\cv2\[files]

Release 1.6.0 | Material Fixing

21 Jan 19:02
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Smaller release, but fixes a big issue that's been prevalent since 1.0.0.


This function runs after node creation, but any objects with WorldGridMaterial or the GREY materials will be replaced with the appropriate material for that object.

WorldGridMaterial is something created by the pskimporter addon that this script uses. It is used when either an error occurs in the material finding process, or when it cant locate the material. With the new function, this fixes that.

Release 1.5.0 | Texture Overhaul

19 Jan 20:21
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Y'know how I said i would get parallel processing done soon? Turns out it is not possible (or extremely difficult and not worth my time) to do in blender.
That being said, I have found an alternate approach. What if instead of converting textures, we just export them as png?

This saves a load of time and still functions properly. The only downside to this is you need a custom version of UDump. Luckily, me and a friend are working on one specifically for this, which you can find in the readme

After all of that, here's the change notes:

Resources folder

  • The Textures and Materials folders have been merged for Quality of Life.
  • Both of them will be moved to the root of this folder, no subfolders.

Print control

  • There are now a few settings that allow user control over what gets printed. These come in the forms of Verbose, Warning, and Debug, with the latter going unused as of this version.
  • It is recommended that these prints stay on, if any issues arise, however they are not needed to the average user.

Texture Processing

  • The ConvertTextures settings (as well as OTE/NTE) have been replaces by TextureProcessing.
  • TextureProcessing controls textures and materials, which are moved into the aforementioned Resources folder.
  • findResources() will look for all material or texture files, and move them to where they need to go. This function is compatible with splitORM.
  • moveTex() has been replaced with moveFile() to accommodate materials.
  • Material and node creation will now only work if TextureProcessing is enabled.

Side Note

This is the biggest, and probably most needed, release since 1.0.0. I'm happy I was able to get this done.
One thing I will try to optimize in the future is the object importing. It is currently very slow so I want to try to push that to its limits.

Release 1.4.2 | Module / Addon Install

06 Jan 15:01
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This version of the importer adds automatic install to cv2, PIL, and the psk/psa importer. A future update will add parallel processing for texture conversion, but this is still in development. (read release 1.5.0)


If you are getting errors when running this version, run blender as administrator. This only has to be done once, when the modules get installed.

Release 1.4.1 - Optimizations

03 Jan 03:09
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Small bug fixes, but removed like 15 lines lol

Release 1.4 | ORM Texture Split

27 Dec 20:56
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Not the biggest release, but one of the most needed ones.

What is ORM?

ORM is any texture map with the phrase OcclusionRoughnessMetallic in its name. ORM maps are bade by combining Roughness, Metallic, and Occlusion maps into a single image using the red, green, and blue channels respectively.

How does the script split these up?

Simple, it uses cv2 to split an ORM texture into its RGB channels, and then greyscales them to turn them back into their respective maps.

Other changes

I removed some useless code from the node mapping and added some arrow icons to each print statement.

There are some other changes as well but you can just compare the release to see those.

Release 1.3.1 - Bug fix

22 Oct 23:11
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Fixed normal maps not having the correct color spaces

Release 1.3.0 | Automatic Texture

20 Sep 23:04
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Genuinely massive update, took a while.

I would rather not write detailed patch-notes for this version, so go ahead and compare to 1.2.0. However, I will be going over in rough detail what the big change is.

Automatic Texturing

You know how long it takes to manually texture a 100-object map? Because I do. It takes ~1 minute with the help of this feature.

All textures from UDump will be compiled into Dump\Textures, as well as materials going to Dump\Materials.
If a diffuse (basecolor) texture is missing from a material, the Default Material Grid will be applied. (FIXED IN 1.5.0)

I will be going in-depth about the merits of auto-texturing when I get to finishing the docs, which will be soon. (NO I WONT LOL)

Release 1.2.0 | Texture Convert

23 Aug 16:42
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Big update, adding a new feature.

Texture Conversion

Allows conversion for texture files to other formats. The default extension to look for is tga and the replacement is png.

This feature can be enabled or disabled, and extensions can be changed from the settings at the top of the script.

Fixes & Changes

  • Changed the label at the top to say UModel instead of UDump to better fit its purpose
  • Fixed a spacing issue in the top label
  • Changed default paths to fit better with the script


  • I am working on adding a wiki, which will be available later this week.
  • The SubScript for the texture conversion will be available in the coming minutes.

Release 1.1.0

19 Aug 19:16
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Simple bug-fix update.

  • Fixed an issue where there was two autoExport variables
  • Fixed an issue where the check for the autoExport variable was missing, causing the export function to run regardless of what the user set.
  • Changed strings for directory variables to be examples, as opposed to my directories.