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Custom Replies

Max Bridgland edited this page Jan 11, 2020 · 2 revisions

Custom replies are a feature made available in the 1.1 release. This feature allows you to set custom replies to messages in any channel. These can be very annoying if you don't set them up correctly so PLEASE read this wiki before making any and then you end up replying to everything.

How To Use Custom Replies:

The command syntax is as follows:

<prefix>customrs <action> [trigger] [reply]

Where prefix is your custom command prefix, <action> is one of: add/delete/list, much like listeners. If you are running the add action you will need to add a trigger and reply. Also you need to set it as strict or not. This is very very important. If you do NOT choose strict, if any message has your trigger anywhere in it, you will reply, if you set it as strict, it will only do it when the trigger message is an exact match to the message. You will want to use strict for most of the custom replies. Below is an example of the command syntax:

# As strict
~customrs add "Hey Max could you help me" "Yeah one second!" strict

# As non strict
~customrs add "lol" "stop lolling, lolling isn't funny anymore."

The first command will reply to any messages that are just Hey Max could you help me where the second one will reply to any message with lol in it even if it says Wow that's so so funny, lol (We know they don't think it's funny so we will reply to them).

The delete command will take an ID number from the customrs list command. You can see the number on top of each entry which is what number you will pass into this command.

Below you can see an example of the usage for this feature.

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