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760 lines (546 loc) · 32 KB


To use melusine in a project:

import melusine

Melusine input data : Email DataFrames

The basic requirement to use Melusine is to have an input e-mail DataFrame with the following columns:

  • body : Body of an email (single message or conversation historic)
  • header: Header of an email
  • date : Reception date of an email
  • from : Email address of the sender
  • to : Email address of the recipient
  • label (optional) : Label of the email for a classification task (examples: Business, Spam, Finance or Family)
body header date from to label
Thank you.\nBye,\nJohn Re: Your order jeudi 24 mai 2018 11 h 49 CEST A

In the examples presented below, a toy email DataFrame containing anonymized emails is used. The toy DataFrame can be loaded as follows:

from melusine.melusine.utils.data_loader import load_email_data

df_emails = load_email_data()

Prepare email subpackage : Basic usage

A common pre-processing step is to check whether an e-mail is an answer or not. This can be done in Melusine with the function :ref:`add_boolean_answer<manage_transfer_reply>`:

from melusine.prepare_email.manage_transfer_reply import add_boolean_answer

df_emails['is_answer'] = df_emails.apply(add_boolean_answer, axis=1)

A new column is_answer is created containing a boolean variable:

  • True if the message is an answer
  • False if the message is not an answer
body header is_answer
Happy Birthday Bill!! Birthday False
Thank you Re: Birthday True

Create an email pre-processing pipeline

An email pre-processing pipeline takes an email DataFrame as input and executes a sequence of Transformers on every email in the DataFrame. The recommended way to create a pre-processing pipeline with Melusine is to:

  1. Wrap pre-processing functions in :ref:`TransformerScheduler<transformerScheduler>` objects.
  2. Use a Scikit-Learn Pipeline object to chain transformers

Once the pipeline has been set-up, the pre-processing of an email DataFrame is straightforward:

>>> df_emails_preprocessed = pipeline.fit_transform(df_emails)

TransformerScheduler class

Functions can be wrapped in a :ref:`TransformerScheduler<transformerScheduler>` object that can be integrated into an execution Pipeline. TransformerScheduler objects are compatible with the scikit-learn API (they have fit and transform methods).

A TransformerScheduler object is initialized with a functions_scheduler argument. The functions_scheduler argument is a list of tuples containing information about the desired pre-processing functions. Each tuple describe an individual function and should contain the following elements:

  1. A function
  2. A tuple with the function's arguments (if no arguments are required, use None or an empty tuple)
  3. A column(s) name list returned by the function (if no arguments are required, use None or an empty list)

The code below describes the definition of a transformer:

from melusine.utils.transformer_scheduler import TransformerScheduler

melusine_transformer = TransformerScheduler(
    (my_function_1, (argument1, argument2), ['return_col_A']),
    (my_function_2, None, ['return_col_B', 'return_col_C'])
    (my_function_3, (argument1, ), None),

The other parameters of the TransformerScheduler class are:

  • mode (optional): Define mode to apply function along a row axis (axis=1) If set to 'apply_by_multiprocessing', it uses multiprocessing tool to parallelize computation. Possible values are 'apply' (default) and 'apply_by_multiprocessing'
  • n_jobs (optional): Number of cores used for computation. Default value, 1. Possible values are integers ranging from 1 (default) to the number of cores available for computation

A TransformerScheduler can be used independently or included in a scikit pipeline (recommended):

>>> # Used independently
>>> df_emails = melusine_transformer.fit_transform(df_emails)
>>> # Used in a scikit pipeline
>>> from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
>>> pipeline = Pipeline([('MelusineTransformer', melusine_transformer)])
>>> df_emails = pipeline.fit_transform(df_emails)

The fit_transform method returns a DataFrame with new features (new columns)

body header return_col_A return_col_B return_col_C return_col_D
Happy Birthday Bill!! Birthday new_feature_A new_feature_B new_feature_C new_feature_D
Thank you Re: Birthday new_feature_A new_feature_B new_feature_C new_feature_D

Chaining transformers in a scikit-learn pipeline

Once all the desired functions and transformers have been defined, transformers can be chained in a Scikit-Learn Pipeline. The code below describes the definition of a pipeline:

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline([
    ('TransformerName1', TransformerObject1),
    ('TransformerName2', TransformerObject2),
    ('TransformerName3', TransformerObject3),

Example of a working pipeline

A working pre-processing pipeline is given below:

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from melusine.utils.transformer_scheduler import TransformerScheduler
from melusine.prepare_email.manage_transfer_reply import add_boolean_answer, add_boolean_transfer
from melusine.prepare_email.build_historic import build_historic
from melusine.prepare_email.mail_segmenting import structure_email

ManageTransferReply = TransformerScheduler(
        (add_boolean_answer, None, ['is_answer']),
        (add_boolean_transfer, None, ['is_transfer'])

HistoricBuilder = TransformerScheduler(
        (build_historic, None, ['structured_historic']),

Segmenting = TransformerScheduler(
        (structure_email, None, ['structured_body'])

prepare_data_pipeline = Pipeline([
    ('ManageTransferReply', ManageTransferReply),
    ('HistoricBuilder', HistoricBuilder),
    ('Segmenting', Segmenting),

df_emails = prepare_data_pipeline.fit_transform(df_emails)

In this example, the pre-processing functions applied are:

Create a custom email pre-processing function

Creating a custom pre-processing function and adding it to a pre-processing pipeline can be done easily with Melusine. Two main requirements are:

  1. Make the function compatible with the pandas apply method

    • First argument should be 'row' (Row of an email DataFrame)
      >>> def my_function(row, arg1, arg2):
    • Example: row['header'] will contain the header of a message

  2. Make sure to call existing columns of the DataFrame

    • Don't call row['is_answer'] before the 'is_answer' column has been created

The following example creates a custom function to count the occurrence of a word in the body of an email:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from melusine.utils.transformer_scheduler import TransformerScheduler
from melusine.prepare_email.manage_transfer_reply import add_boolean_answer, add_boolean_transfer

# Create a fake email Dataframe
df_duck = pd.DataFrame({
    "body" : ["Lion Duck Pony", "Duck Pony Pony", "Duck Duck Pony"],
    "header" : ["zoo report", "Tr : zoo report", "Re : zoo report"]

# Define a custom function
def count_word_occurrence_in_body(row, word):
    all_word_list = row["body"].lower().split()
    word_occurence = all_word_list.count(word)
    return word_occurence

# Wrap function in a transformer
CountWordOccurrence = TransformerScheduler(
    (count_word_occurrence_in_body, ("duck",), ['duck_count']),
    (count_word_occurrence_in_body, ("pony",), ['pony_count']),

# Create a second transformer with regular Melusine functions
ManageTransferReply = TransformerScheduler(
    (add_boolean_answer, None, ['is_answer']),
    (add_boolean_transfer, None, ['is_transfer'])

# Chain transformers in a pipeline
prepare_data_pipeline = Pipeline([
    ('CountWordOccurrence', CountWordOccurrence), # Transformer with custom functions
    ('ManageTransferReply', ManageTransferReply), # Transformer with regular Melusine functions

# Pre-process input DataFrame
df_duck_prep = prepare_data_pipeline.fit_transform(df_duck)
body header duck_count pony_count is_answer is_transfer
Lion Duck Pony zoo report 1 1 False False
Duck Duck Pony Re : zoo report 2 1 True False
Duck Pony Pony Tr : zoo report 1 2 False False

Note : It is totally fine to mix regular and custom functions in a transformer.

Testing a function on a single email

Since all pre-processing functions are made compatible with pandas apply function, a function can be tested on a single email. In the example below, the function :ref:`add_boolean_answer<manage_transfer_reply>` is tested on a single email:

from melusine.prepare_email.manage_transfer_reply import add_boolean_answer

email_index = 2
email_is_answer = add_boolean_answer(df_emails.iloc[email_index])
print("Message %d is an answer: %r" %(email_index, email_is_answer))


"Message 2 is an answer: True"

NLP tools subpackage

The different classes of the NLP tools subpackage are described in this section.


The Melusine :ref:`Phraser <phraser>` class transforms common multi-word expressions into single elements:

>>> new york -> new_york

To train a Melusine Phraser (which is based on a Gensim Phraser), the input email DataFrame should contain a 'clean_body' column which can be created with the :ref:`clean_body<cleaning>` function.

In the example below, a Phraser is trained on a toy DataFrame:

import pandas as pd
from melusine.nlp_tools.phraser import Phraser
from melusine.nlp_tools.phraser import phraser_on_text

phraser = Phraser()
df_new_york = pd.DataFrame({
    'clean_body' : ["new york is so cool", "i love new york", "new york city"]


df_new_york['clean_body'] = df_new_york['clean_body'].apply(phraser_on_text, args=(phraser,))

# Save the Phraser instance to disk'./pretrained_phraser.pickle')
# Load the Phraser
pretrained_phraser = Phraser().load('./pretrained_phraser.pickle')

In reality, a training set with only 3 emails is too small to train a Phraser. For illustrative purpose, the table below shows the expected output.

clean_body clean_body_new
new york is so cool new_york is so cool
i love new york i love new_york
new york city new_york city

The specific parameters of the :ref:`Phraser <phraser>` class are:

  • common_terms : list of stopwords to be ignored (default value = stopword list from NLTK)
  • threshold : threshold to select collocations
  • min_count : minimum count of word to be selected as collocation


A tokenizer splits a sentence-like string into a list of sub-strings (tokens). The Melusine :ref:`Tokenizer <tokenizer>` class is based on a NLTK regular expression tokenizer which uses a regular expression (regex) pattern to tokenize the text:

import pandas as pd
from melusine.nlp_tools.tokenizer import Tokenizer

df_tok = pd.DataFrame({
    'clean_body' : ["hello, i'm here to tokenize text. bye"],
    'clean_header' : ["re: hello"],

tokenizer = Tokenizer(input_column='clean_body')
df_tok = tokenizer.fit_transform(df_tok)

A new column tokens is created with a list of the tokens extracted from the text data.

clean_body clean_header tokens
hello, i'm here to tokenize text. bye re: hello ['hello', 'i', 'here', 'tokenize', 'text', 'bye']

The specific parameters of the :ref:`Tokenizer <tokenizer>` class are:

  • stopwords : list of keywords to be ignored (this list can be defined in the conf file)
  • stop_removal : True if stopwords should be removed, else False


With a regular representation of words, there is one dimension for each word in the vocabulary (set of all the words in a text corpus). The computational cost of NLP tasks, such as training a neural network model, based on such a high dimensional space can be prohibitive. Word embeddings are abstract representations of words in a lower dimensional vector space. One of the advantages of word embeddings is thus to save computational cost.

The Melusine :ref:`Embedding <embedding>` class uses the Gensim Word2Vec module to train a word2vec model. The trained Embedding object will be used in the :ref:`Models<models>` subpackage to train a Neural Network to classify emails.

The code below illustrates how the Embedding class works. It should be noted that, in practice, to train a word embedding model, a lot of emails are required:

import pandas as pd
from melusine.nlp_tools.embedding import Embedding

df_embeddings = pd.DataFrame({
    'clean_body' : ["word text word text data word text"],
    'clean_header' : ["re: hello"],

embedding = Embedding(input_column='clean_body', min_count=3)

# Save the trained Embedding instance to disk'./pretrained_embedding.pickle')

# Load the trained Embedding instance
pretrained_embedding = Embedding().load('./pretrained_embedding.pickle')

# Use trained Embedding to initialise the Neural Network Model
# The definition of a neural network model is not discussed in this section
# nn_model = NeuralModel("...", pretrained_embedding=pretrained_embedding, "...")

Summarizer subpackage

The main item of the :ref:`Summarizer<summarizer>` subpackage is the :ref:`KeywordGenerator<keywords_generator>` class. The KeywordGenerator class extracts relevant keywords in the text data based on a tf-idf score.

Requirements on the input DataFrame to use a KeywordGenerator:

Keywords can then be extracted as follows:

import pandas as pd
from melusine.summarizer.keywords_generator import KeywordsGenerator
from melusine.nlp_tools.tokenizer import Tokenizer

df_zoo = pd.DataFrame({
    'clean_body' : ["i like lions and ponys and gorillas", "i like ponys and tigers", "i like tigers and lions", "i like raccoons and unicorns"],
    'clean_header' : ["things i like", "things i like", "things i like", "things i like"]

tokenizer = Tokenizer(input_column='clean_body')
# Create the 'tokens' column
df_zoo = tokenizer.fit_transform(df_zoo)

keywords_generator = KeywordsGenerator(n_max_keywords=2, stopwords=['like'])
# Fit keyword generator on the text data corpus (using the tokens column)
# Extract relevant keywords

In the text data of the example, some words are very common such as "i", "like" or "things", whereas other words are rare, such as "raccoons". The keyword generator gives priority to rare words in the keyword extraction process:

clean_body clean_header tokens keywords
i like lions and ponies and gorillas things i like [things, i, i, lions, and, ponies, and, gorillas] [lions, ponys]
i like ponies and tigers things i like [things, i, i, ponies, and, tigers] [ponies, tigers]
i like tigers and lions things i like [things, i, i, tigers, and, lions] [tigers, lions]
i like raccoons and unicorns things i like [things, i, i, raccoons, and, unicorns] [raccoons, unicorns]

The specific parameters of the :ref:`KeywordGenerator<keywords_generator>` class are:

  • max_tfidf_features : size of vocabulary for tfidf
  • keywords : list of keyword to be extracted in priority (this list can be defined in the conf file)
  • stopwords : list of keywords to be ignored (this list can be defined in the conf file)
  • resample : when DataFrame contains a 'label' column, balance the dataset by resampling
  • n_max_keywords : maximum number of keywords to be returned for each email
  • n_min_keywords : minimum number of keywords to be returned for each email
  • threshold_keywords : minimum tf-idf score for a word to be selected as keyword

Models subpackage

The main item of the Models subpackage is the :ref:`NeuralModel <train>` class. The NeuralModel creates a Neural Network that can be trained and used to classify emails.

The minimum input features required by the NeuralModel class are the following:

  • An email DataFrame with:

    • an integer 'label' column (a label encoder can be used to convert class names into integers)
    • a 'clean_text' column with text data
  • An instance of the :ref:`Embedding <embedding>` class (Trained word embedding model)

The code below shows a minimal working example for Email Classification using a NeuralModel instance (a much larger training set is required to obtain meaningful results):

import pandas as pd

# Prepare email
from melusine.utils.transformer_scheduler import TransformerScheduler
from melusine.prepare_email.manage_transfer_reply import \
    check_mail_begin_by_transfer, update_info_for_transfer_mail, add_boolean_answer, add_boolean_transfer
from melusine.prepare_email.build_historic import build_historic
from melusine.prepare_email.mail_segmenting import structure_email
from melusine.prepare_email.body_header_extraction import extract_last_body, extract_header
from import clean_body, clean_header
from melusine.prepare_email.metadata_engineering import MetaDate, MetaExtension, Dummifier

# Scikit-Learn API
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

# NLP tools
from melusine.nlp_tools.phraser import Phraser
from melusine.nlp_tools.phraser import phraser_on_body
from melusine.nlp_tools.phraser import phraser_on_header
from melusine.nlp_tools.tokenizer import Tokenizer
from melusine.nlp_tools.embedding import Embedding

# Summarizer
from melusine.summarizer.keywords_generator import KeywordsGenerator

# Models
from melusine.models.train import NeuralModel
from melusine.models.neural_architectures import cnn_model

# Load toy email data
from utils.data_loader import load_email_data
df_emails = load_email_data()

# Transformer object to manage transfers and replies
ManageTransferReply = TransformerScheduler(
        (check_mail_begin_by_transfer, None, ['is_begin_by_transfer']),
        (update_info_for_transfer_mail, None, None),
        (add_boolean_answer, None, ['is_answer']),
        (add_boolean_transfer, None, ['is_transfer'])

# Transformer object to segment the different messages in the email, parse their metadata and
# tag the different part of the messages
Segmenting = TransformerScheduler(
        (build_historic, None, ['structured_historic']),
        (structure_email, None, ['structured_body'])

# Transformer object to extract the body of the last message of the email and clean it as
# well as the header
LastBodyHeaderCleaning = TransformerScheduler(
        (extract_last_body, None, ['last_body']),
        (clean_body, None, ['clean_body']),
        (clean_header, None, ['clean_header'])

# Transformer object to apply the phraser on the texts
phraser = Phraser().load('./phraser.pickle')
PhraserTransformer = TransformerScheduler(
        (phraser_on_body, (phraser,), ['clean_body']),
        (phraser_on_header, (phraser,), ['clean_header'])

# Tokenizer object
tokenizer = Tokenizer(input_column="clean_body")

# Full preprocessing pipeline
PreprocessingPipeline = Pipeline([
    ('ManageTransferReply', ManageTransferReply),
    ('Segmenting', Segmenting),
    ('LastBodyHeaderCleaning', LastBodyHeaderCleaning),
    ('PhraserTransformer', PhraserTransformer),
    ('tokenizer', tokenizer)

# Apply preprocessing pipeline to DataFrame
df_emails = PreprocessingPipeline.fit_transform(df_emails)

# Pipeline to extract dummified metadata
MetadataPipeline = Pipeline([
    ('MetaExtension', MetaExtension()),
    ('MetaDate', MetaDate()),
    ('Dummifier', Dummifier())

# Apply MetaData processing pipeline to DataFrame
df_meta = MetadataPipeline.fit_transform(df_emails)

# Keywords extraction
keywords_generator = KeywordsGenerator(n_max_keywords=3)
df_emails = keywords_generator.fit_transform(df_emails)

# Train an embedding with the 'clean_body' data
pretrained_embedding = Embedding(input_column='clean_body', min_count=3)

# Create a 'clean_text' column from the 'clean_header' and 'clean_body' columns
df_emails['clean_text'] = df_emails['clean_header']+'. '+df_emails['clean_body']

# Create a training set DataFrame with MetaData + the 'clean_text' columns
X = pd.concat([df_emails['clean_text'],df_meta],axis=1)

# The 'label' column contains target labels for email classification
# Labels should be encoded ('Family', 'Work', 'Sport' => 1, 2, 3)
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
y = df_emails['label']
le = LabelEncoder()
y = le.fit_transform(y)

# CNN model with 'clean_text' as text_input and 'extension', 'dayofweek', 'hour', 'min'
# as metadata input
nn_model = NeuralModel(neural_architecture_function=cnn_model,
                       meta_input_list=['extension', 'dayofweek', 'hour', 'min'],

# Train the Neural Network model,y)

# Predict labels on the training dataset
y_res = nn_model.predict(X)

# Decode prediction results (1, 2, 3 => 'Family', 'Work', 'Sport')
y_res = le.inverse_transform(y_res)

# Print results

The specific parameters of the :ref:`NeuralModel <train>` class are:

  • neural_architecture_function : function which returns a Neural Network Model instance from Keras
  • pretrained_embedding : pretrained embedding (:ref:`Embedding <embedding>` class object)
  • text_input_column : input text column to consider for the model (Example: 'clean_body')
  • meta_input_list : list of the names of the columns containing the metadata If empty list or None the model is used without metadata Default value, ['extension', 'dayofweek', 'hour', 'min']
  • vocab_size : size of vocabulary for neural network model
  • seq_size : maximum size of input for neural model
  • loss : loss function for training (Default 'categorical_crossentropy')
  • batch_size : size of batches for the training of the neural network model
  • n_epochs : number of epochs for the training of the neural network model

We integrate 3 main classifier neural networks, respectively recurrent, convolutional and attentive. Each of the proposed architecture employs a distinct mathematical operation.

Recurrent Neural Network Classifier (RNN)

RNN are traditionally used with textual data as they are specifically designed to handle sequentially structured data. Inputs are sequentially computed given a cell operation, generally a LSTM or GRU cell. at each step, the current input as well as the output from the previous step are used to compute the next hidden state. The proposed architecture includes a 2-layers bidirectional GRU networks. The network last hidden state is used as the final sentence embedding.


Convolutional Neural Network Classifier (CNN)

CNN uses multiple filters to distinguish patterns in data. Such filters are assembled across the hidden layers to build more complex patterns and structures. The last layer should therefor capture a global and generic representation of the data. In our architecture, we use a two hidden layers CNN with respectively 200 filters for each hidden layer. The last hidden states are aggregated using a max pooling operation.


Attentive Neural Network Classifier

Attentive-based neural networks are fairly new in the NLP community but results are extremely promising. They rely on the self-attention operation which computes hidden states as a weighted sum from the inputs. As the multiple filters in the CNN architecture, the multi-branch attention aggregate multiple attention operation to capture various properties from the input. Such operation is easily perform on GPU infrastructure. We propose an architecture inspired from previously introduced RNN and CNN architecture with a two layers multi-branch attention module follow by a max pooling operation.


BERT Neural Network Classifier

We also propose a wrap-up for the popular pre-trained bert architecture. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) take into account the context for each occurrence of a given word and will provide a contextualized embedding that will be different according to the sentence. However, we only use the first word embedding, usually called the classification token in our classifier model. We made available the two trending French models Camembert and Flaubert.


Use a custom config file

To optimize Melusine for your needs, a custom configuration file may be used. Through a custom configuration file, the user can specify parameters such as:

  • Custom keywords : List of keywords that Melusine should focus on
    • Example: extract keywords with the KeywordExtractor
  • Custom stopwords : List of stopwords that Melusine should ignore
    • Example: tokenize sentences with a Tokenizer
  • Custom regular expressions (regex) : regex used in the melusine functions
    • Example: Regex to detect that a message is a reply

The following code shows how to specify a custom configuration file:

from melusine.config.config import ConfigJsonReader

conf = ConfigJsonReader()

# Print the path to the current configuration file
with open(conf.path_ini_file_, 'r') as ini_file:

# Print the content of the current configuration file
conf_dict = conf.get_config_file()
print(conf_dict)  # will print the json

# Set a new path to the configuration file

# Print the new path to the configuration file
with open(conf.path_ini_file_, 'r') as ini_file:

# Print the content of the new configuration file
conf_dict = conf.get_config_file()
print(conf_dict)  # will print the json

It is also possible to go back to the original configuration file:

from melusine.config.config import ConfigJsonReader

conf = ConfigJsonReader()

Warning : the configuration file is loaded by the different modules (Tokenizer, KeywordExtractor, etc) during the import, therefore, for the new configuration file to be effective, the code / kernel should be restarted after each modification of the configuration file.

Use a custom name file

While working with text data, names might undergo specific processing:

  • stopword processing : if names don't need to be identified, they may be discarded during the text processing
  • flagging : if names need to be identified but not specifically, names may be replaced with a name_flag (bob -> flag_name)

By default, Melusine identifies names using an explicit list of names available in a file ('melusine/config/names.csv'). The default name list was adapted from a name dataset publicly available on the french government website. This list contains first names given to children (french or not) born in France between 1900 and 2018.

Melusine users may specify a custom name list using a custom 'names.csv' file.

The following code shows how to specify a custom configuration file:

import os
import pandas as pd
from melusine.config.config import ConfigJsonReader

conf = ConfigJsonReader()

# Print the path to the current name file
with open(conf.path_ini_file_, 'r') as ini_file:

# Print the current name list
conf_dict = conf.get_config_file()

### Use a custom name file
# 1. Create a new (custom) name file
#    - The file should be a csv file with a column called `Name`
# 2. Set the new file as the current Melusine name file    with open(conf.path_ini_file_, 'r') as ini_file:
# Set a new path to the configuration file

# Create a name DataFrame
df_names = pd.DataFrame({'Name' : ['Daenerys', 'Tyrion', 'Jon', 'Raegar']})

# Path to the new name.csv file
new_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', 'names.csv')

# Save new name.csv file
df_names.to_csv(new_path, encoding="latin-1", sep=";", index=False)

# Set a new path to the name file in Melusine

# Print the new path to the name file
with open(conf.path_ini_file_, 'r') as ini_file:

# Print the new file list
conf_dict = conf.get_config_file()

It is possible to go back to the original name file:

from melusine.config.config import ConfigJsonReader

conf = ConfigJsonReader()

conf_dict = conf.get_config_file()

Warning : the name file is loaded by the different modules (Tokenizer, KeywordExtractor, etc) during the import, therefore, for the new name file to be effective, the code / kernel should be restarted after each modification of the name file.