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This contains the source code of an external MGBridge subcommand implementation. The example command is '/mgb test', wrapped in a Bukkit plugin that requires MGBridge to be installed on the Minecraft server. It replies 'OK' when someone sends the command '/mgb test' to the Guilded server.

How to create your own

  1. Clone the MGBridge's repository and run mvn install to install MGBridge to your local Maven repository.
  2. Create a new Maven project and add vip.floatationdevice.mgbridge as dependency (see this plugin's pom.xml for example).
  3. Re-import your Maven project if needed.
  4. Now you can access MGBridge's data and functions. Everything is ready.

Useful classes / functions:


This is MGBridge's main class. You can use MGBridge.instance to access what MGBridge plugin can also access.

  • MGBridge.isBound(String userId) checks if the Guilded user is bound to a Minecraft account.
  • MGBridge.getServerId() returns the server ID of the server that MGBridge is running on.
  • MGBridge.getChannelId(String userId) returns the channel ID of the channel used by MGBridge.
  • MGBridge.instance.getLogger() returns MGBridge's Logger.
  • MGBridge.instance.getG4JClient() returns the G4JClient used by the MGBridge.
  • MGBridge.instance.getGEventListener() returns MGBridge's Guilded event listener. You can use it to register commands (shown below).
  • MGBridge.instance.sendGuildedMessage(String msg, String replyTo, Boolean isPrivate, Boolean isSilent) sends message to Guilded server.
    • If you want to reply to any message, set replyTo to the message's ID, otherwise set that to null.
    • If you want to privately reply to a message, set isPrivate to true, otherwise set that to false or null.
    • If you want to reply without notifying the user, set isSilent to true, otherwise set that to false or null.
  • MGBridge.sendGuildedEmbed(Embed emb, String replyTo, Boolean isPrivate, Boolean isSilent) sends an embed message to Guilded server.
    • The replyTo, isPrivate and isSilent parameters are the same as in sendGuildedMessage().


This is MGBridge's account binding system.

  • HashMap<String, UUID> BindManager.bindMap has players' bind info stored.
  • BindManager.saveBindMap() saves the bind info to a file called 'bindMap.dat'.
  • BindManager.loadBindMap() loads bind info from the file 'bindMap.dat'.


This class manages incoming Guilded messages, MGB commands and some other events. It must be accessed using MGBridge.instance.getGEventListener().

  • registerExecutor(GuildedCommandExecutor) register a GuildedCommandExecutor. It adds a new subcommand to MGB on the Guilded side.
  • unregisterExecutor(String) unregister the subcommand with the specified name.

interface GuildedCommandExecutor

  • String getCommandName() returns the subcommand's name.
  • String getCommandDescription() returns the subcommand's description.
  • String getCommandUsage() returns the subcommand's usage.
  • boolean execute(ChatMessage chatMessage, String[] args) is what should be executed when the user enters this subcommand.
    • ChatMessage chatMessage is the corresponding message's ChatMessage object.
    • String[] args is the String(s) after the subcommand name, separated by spaces. For example you typed '/mgb test 123 4' and args[] should be {"123", "4"}
    • The return value is used to represent the result of command execution, but is not currently used anywhere by MGB.