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Annotate MEI in a VCF file containing sequence-resolved structural variation calls


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MEIGA-PAV is a computational method for the annotation of mobile element insertions (MEI) in a VCF containing sequence-resolved structural variation (SV) calls. Although it has been designed to process SVs derived from the Phased Assembly Variant Caller (PAV;, it should be compatible with the output of any long-read variant callers, as long as the sequence for insertion events is included in the VCF.

MEIGA-PAV was developed for the Human Genome Structural Variation Consortium (HGSVC)

Ebert et al., “Haplotype-Resolved Diverse Human Genomes and Integrated Analysis of Structural Variation,” Science, February 25, 2021, eabf7117,


Two different ways:

  • Go to the releases tab and download the latest release.

  • Clone the git repository in case you want the latest version of the code:

# Move into the folder in which you want to clone the repositoy.
$ cd ~/apps
# Clone it.
$ git clone

MEIGA-PAV does not require any further installation step. It is written in Python and can be run as a standalone application on diverse Linux systems.


  1. Hardware:

    • 64-bits CPU
  2. Software:

  3. Python libraries

    • pysam
    • cigar
    • numpy
    • itertools
    • Biopython


MEIGA-PAV takes as input 6 mandatory arguments:

  1. VCF: Input VCF file containing sequence-resolved structural variation calls.
  2. consensus: Fasta file containing consensus sequences for retrotransposon subfamilies (Alu, L1 and SVA).
  3. reference: Fasta file for the human genome reference. Use same chromosome labeling nomenclature as for the input VCF. BWA-mem index need to be located in the same folder
  4. mt_reference: Fasta file for the mitochrondrial genome reference.
  5. sampleID: Output VCF file will be named accordingly.
  6. outDir: Output directory.


python consensusDb.fa GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_no_chr_MT.fna chrM.fa 'PAV_MEI_MEIGA.freeze3' -o freeze3

File availability:


MEIGA-PAV produces as output a standard VCF file containing the subset of insertions from the input VCF corresponding to MEI. MEI annotation information is included in the following additional INFO fields:

* ITYPE: Type of insertion. Solo retrotransposon insertion, partnered or orphan transduction. 
* FAM: Repeat family (Alu, L1 or SVA)
* 3PRIME: Flag indicating a 3-prime partnered transduction
* 5PRIME: Flag indicating a 5-prime partnered transduction
* CYTOID: Source element cytoband identifier (for transductions)   
* RETRO_LEN: Length for the inserted retrotransposon
* TRUNCATION_5_LEN: Length for 5-prime truncation 
* TRUNCATION_3_LEN: Length for 3-prime truncation
* INVERSION_LEN: Length for 5-prime inversion
* RETRO_COORD: Coordinates with respect to the consensus L1 for the retrotransposon insertion
* IS_FULL: Flag indicating a full length mobile element insertion  
* ORF1: Flag indicating the existance of a funtional ORF1 for L1s
* ORF2: Flag indicating the existance of a funtional ORF2 for L1s  
* COMPETENT: Flag indicating that the insertion is a potential competent full-length L1 with intact ORFs    
* TDCOORD_5PRIME: Genomic coordinates for 5-prime transduction
* TDCOORD_3PRIME: Genomic coordinates for 3-prime transduction
* TDLEN_5PRIME: Length of 5-prime transduction 
* TDLEN_3PRIME: Length of 3-prime transduction 
* STRAND: Insertion DNA strand (+ or -)

An example of VCF output (PAV_MEI_MEIGA.freeze3.vcf) is provided in the /execution folder. This results from the annotation of the input VCF ( included in the folder as well as an example


MEIGA-PAV is distributed under GPL-3.0 License


Ebert et al., “Haplotype-Resolved Diverse Human Genomes and Integrated Analysis of Structural Variation,” Science, February 25, 2021, eabf7117, (PMID: 33632895).


Please open a case on the Github page for problems.

You may also contact Bernardo Rodriguez-Martin directly (e-mail omitted to reduce SPAM). MEIGA-PAV was developed in the lab of Dr. José Tubio at CiMUS and Dr. Jan Korbel at EMBL.