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Games without streams

jwallet edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 1 revision

// Games without streams

/// All game panels shows " bypass failed" --> Hosts file issue

If game panels shows " bypass failed" instead of stream links, that means you don't have our redirection set in your Hosts file. See Hosts file section to fix your issue.

/// Game panels with yellow triangles instead of streams --> Broken stream

The stream cannot be found on the server or is currently not available. Sometimes, the link comes back an hour later.

/// Forbidden 403, Unauthorized 401 or Not Found 404 Error --> Use another NHLGames hostname in Settings

If you can't get any games from NHLGames, try using another Server hostname in the Settings tab. Use the drop down list. Also, make sure that your Hosts file is set properly, see Hosts file section.