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This project contains both the backend API and front-end JS app for FunSet.


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FunSet Enrichment Visualization

The FunSet webserver performs Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis, identifying GO terms that are statistically overrepresented in a target set with respect to a background set. The enriched terms are displayed in a 2D plot that captures the semantic similarity between terms, with the option to cluster the terms and identify a representative term for each cluster. FunSet can be used interactively or programmatically, and allows users to download the enrichment results both in tabular form and in graphical form as SVG files or in data format as JSON.


This app is fully containerized. There is only 1 requirement:

API (Backend) Installation

You need to build the docker image from the provided DockerFile using Docker Compose. To do this:

Acquiring the files

git clone --recursive
cd funset-enrichment-visualization
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

Building and Running the API

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

This creates a few docker containers with all of the requisite installed dependencies to run the dev environment. It also initializes the database and starts the containers.

Setup an Admin user and compile C libraries

To create a new admin user for use in the admin portal do the following once the containers are up and running (i.e. docker-compose up -d has been run).

docker-compose exec django bash
python createsuperuser
# provide admin credentials
python -i ../../../GOUtildata/<month-year>/go.obo -n "jan-2018" -d "(default) January 2018 GO Ontology"
cd ../../../GOUtil
g++ -O3 -o enrich enrich.C utilities.C --std=gnu++11
g++ -O3 -o funSim funSim.C utilities.C --std=gnu++11

This may take some time, especially when loading the terms from the go ontology.

Now visit localhost in your host browser to view the API.

Client-side App Installation

The client-side app is designed to run separately from the API as a static web app.

Building the app

  • install npm 6.0.0+
  • install ember-cli 2.16.2 +

Then, from the funset-builds/frontend/ folder):

npm install
  • open frontend/config/environment
  • set to the url where your backend server is deployed
  • save the file
  • then do the following from within the frontend folder:
ember build -p

This will build the client-side app as a set of html/css/js files in the dist/ directory.

Deploy the client-side app to a production CDN using surge

The client-side app should be served using a content deployment network (CDN). A good one is surge.

To setup surge:

npm install --global surge

To deploy the client app to surge, do the following:

ember build -p
surge dist/
#specify the url to deploy to, surge will create a funny name for you by default, replace with your own domain name.

Note that surge dist/ <url> shortcuts the need to type in the url.

Development Environment

Running the backend API in development

In addition to the production deployment, you can also run the server in development mode. In development mode, the server will reload automatically whenever you make any sort of code changes in python.

To run the server in dev mode, simply execute the following from within the dev folder:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Now visit localhost in your host browser to view the api.

Setup an Admin user and compile C libraries

If you run the server in dev mode, you will still need to set it up first.

docker-compose exec django bash
python createsuperuser
# provide admin credentials
python -i ../../../GOUtildata/go.obo -n "jan-2018" -d "(default) January 2018 GO Ontology"
cd ../../../GOUtil
g++ -O3 -o enrich enrich.C utilities.C --std=gnu++11
g++ -O3 -o funSim funSim.C utilities.C --std=gnu++11

This may take some time, especially when loading the terms from the go ontology.

Running the client-side ember app in development

Like the backend API, the front-end client-side app can also be run locally in development mode (i.e. instead of pushing to surge). While running in dev mode any changes to the javascript code will automatically recompile and re-run the app. The following commands runs the client-side app in dev mode:

from frontend, run:

ember s

visit the client-side app at: localhost:4200

Updating to latest versions of of the code

To update to the latest frontend and backend codebases, simply do the following to update the provided submodules.

cd frontend
git pull
cd ../backend
git pull

or type:

git submodule update --remote

Collaborating on this project

To prevent merge conflicts, always make sure you are working on a git branch. Read more about git branching here: For an overview of useful git commands, visit:

To create a new branch in each repo, navigate to the parent directory:

cd <path to this project directory>
git pull
git branch <yourname>-<feature-name>
cd backend/
git pull
git branch <yourname>-<feature-name>
cd ../frontend/
git pull
git branch <yourname>-<feature-name>

It is good practice to name the branch using a combination of your name and the feature you are working on. For example git branch mlhale-userinterface might be an acceptable branch name.

When to make a pull request

Once you have finished developing whatever feature you are working on, make a pull request. To make a pull request, use the github web or desktop interfaces to select where the pull request targets (usually the master branch).

Visit for more information.

Monitoring containers

If desired, you can view the performance of containers using the google cAdvisor project (see

To run do the following:

docker pull google/cadvisor:latest
sudo docker run \
  --volume=/:/rootfs:ro \
  --volume=/var/run:/var/run:rw \
  --volume=/sys:/sys:ro \
  --volume=/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro \
  --publish=8080:8080 \
  --detach=true \
  --name=cadvisor \

Now visit localhost:8080 or <ip>:8080 to view the current performance. You should see monitoring tools that resemble:



Funset is a web-based BIOI tool for visualizing genetic pathway information. Copyright (C) 2017 Matthew L. Hale, Dario Ghersi, Ishwor Thapa

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


This project contains both the backend API and front-end JS app for FunSet.





