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    BagnoDB BagnoDB.Serializator
    nuget NuGet NuGet

F# wrapper over MongoDB.Driver.

How to build configuration.

let collection = "bagno"
let database = "bagnoDBTests"

let config = {
  host = ""
  port = 27017
  user = Some "admin"
  password = Some "123"
let configuration = config
  |> Connection.database database
  |> Connection.collection collection

How to add conventions.

|> Conventions.add (OptionConvention ())
|> Conventions.add (RecordConvention ())
|> "F# Type Conventions"

How to add serialization.

Serialization.bson (BagnoSerializationProvider ())

How to build filters.

Available options:

  • eq - equal to $value,
  • gte - greater than or equal to $value,
  • gt - greater than $value,
  • lt - less than $value,
  • lte - less than or equal $value,
  • not - negation of filter,
  • empty - empty filter.

Additionally filters could be combine via:

  • &&& or Filter.and - equivalent of and operator between filters,
  • ||| or Filter.or - equivalent of or operator between filters.
let filter =
  Filter.eq (fun (o: BagnoTest) -> "Bagno"
  |> (|||) ( (fun (o: BagnoTest) -> o.value) 2137)

How to run query against MongoDB

Available options:

  • filter - get n results based on passed filter,
  • delete - delete record based on a filter,
  • deleteMany - delete records based on a filter,
  • upsert - update a record based on a filter,
  • insert - insert record,
  • insertMany - insert records,
  • getAll - get all results based on passed filter options.
let filter = Filter.eq (fun (o: BagnoTest) -> "mango"
let filterOpt = FindOptions<BagnoTest>()
async {
  let! result = config
    |> Connection.database database
    |> Connection.collection collection
    |> Query.filter CancellationToken.None filterOpt filter

  return result
} |> Async.StartAsTask


Inspired by this old lib which seems to be not maintain any more.

Available conventions:

Available serializers: