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mdranger edited this page Aug 3, 2018 · 4 revisions

DAPP Developers

DAPP Developer can create a MicroChain and running his DAPP on the MicroChain. He need to deposit enough MOAC in the MicroChain to reward the SCSs running the MicroChain.

DAPP Developer need to make his own MicroChain contract or use some template provided by MOAC team.

B1、Deploy MicroChain control contract

subchainbase is the contract for the DAPP developers to control the MicroChain. It provides the MicroChain launch and running methods.

The parameters are as following:

  1. proto:subchainprotocolbase contract address, obtain from MOAC team;
  2. vnodeProtocolBaseAddr:vnodeprotocolbase contract address,obtain from MOAC team;
  3. min:min SCSs required to launch MicroChain, suggest value > 3;
  4. max:max SCS required to launch MicroChaib, suggest value < 100;
  5. thousandth:default is 1;
  6. flushRound:MicroChain flush interval between MotherChain blocks, min number is 100;
  7. The gas limit need set to 6700000 for deploying.


chain3.personal.unlockAccount(mc.accounts[0], 'passwd',);//unlock the account to deploy
var proto = "0x8fab1913cc......2deb725" ;
var vnodeProtocolBaseAddr = "0x8fab1913c......2db52deb725" ;
var min = 1 ;
var max = 10 ;
var thousandth = 1 ;
var flushRound = 20 ;
var subchainbaseContract =[{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"maxMember",......,"type":"event"}]);
var subchainbase =
     data: '0x6060604052600c601555670d...708e8ee3c23da8b02d0278eb0029', 
     gas: '6700000'
   }, function (e, contract){
    console.log(e, contract);
    if (typeof contract.address !== 'undefined') {
         console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + contract.address + ' transactionHash: ' + contract.transactionHash);


The RegisterOpen is doing the following tasks:

  • Dapp developer call this function on MotherChain to start the MicroChain;
  • MotherChain broadcast the call to all the VNODES. If the VNODE contains a valid SCS, it will wait for the selection signal;
  • If SCS receives a selection signal, it need to send a transaction to the MicroChain contract to finish the registeration (This is why SCS need to have some initial MOAC deposit).
  • MicroChain will collect the confirmations undtil it reaches the max limit as defined in the contract.

The MicroChain chooses in the SCS pool to form the microChain validators. By default, this process is random. The microChain creator can also change the selection process and only allow specific SCSs to join.


function subchainRegisterOpen(dappAddr,dappPasswd,subchainAddr)
    chain3.personal.unlockAccount(dappAddr, dappPasswd,0);
    sendtx(dappAddr, subchainAddr, '0','0x5defc56c' );


  • dappAddr、dappPasswd:Dapp Developer account and password to make the call;
  • subchainAddr: subchainbase contract address;
  • data:In sendtx, '0x5defc56c' is a constant to send with. It was generate from the first 4 bytes in the hash of registerOpen() function.



After registerOpen is called,DAPP developer can use the following methods to check how many SCS nodes registed in the MicroChain:

Method 1:

In the Console, check after call RegisterOpern in subchainBase:

This is to call the nodeCount function in subchainBase contract.

> subchainBase.nodeCount()

Method 2:

In the Console, call the subchain address to check the value of nodeCount ('0x0e'):

> mc.getStorageAt(subchainAddr,0x0e)

When enough SCS nodes registerd in the MicroChain, continue to next Step: RegisterClose().


The RegisterClose is doing the following tasks:

  • Dapp developer call the RegisterClose function;
  • The contract checks if the number of SCS registered is larger than the min number required in the MicroChain contract. If yes, continue. Otherwise, the register is void;
  • The contract is broacast to all the VNODEs and SCSs that the registration is closed;
  • The registered SCSs receive this broachasting, init the MicroChain and start generating MicroChain blocks.

After RegisterClose,SCSs cannot register through the MicroChain contract. The SCSs registered can participate the and get rewards from the MicroChain.


function subchainRegisterClose(dappAddr,dappPasswd,subchainAddr)
    chain3.personal.unlockAccount(dappAddr, dappPasswd,0);
    sendtx(dappAddr, subchainAddr, '0','0x69f3576f' );


  • dappAddr、dappPasswd:Dapp developer account and password to send the TX;
  • subchainAddr:MicroChain contract subchainbase address;
  • '0x69f3576f': constant, generated from the subchainbase registerClose() function by using Keccak256 hash.



Besure to have enough SCS nodes registered befor calling Registerclose. Otherwise you need to start the process again.

B4、Deploy DAPP contract on the MicroChain

DAPP contact can be deployed on the MicroChain through directcall. Directcall can be performed under the console using mc.sendTransaction.

  1. from: The DAPP source account, need to unlock;
  2. value: Direct call don't need any mc, you can put any non negative number here, suggest 0.
  3. to: MicroChain contract subchainbase address;
  4. gas: Direct calls don't use any gas, put 0;
  5. gasPrice: Direct calls don't use any gas, put 0;
  6. shardingflag: Need to set value to '0x1';
  7. nonce: Note this is the nonce for the MicroChain.
  8. data: The data is generated from compiled DAPP contract. After compiled the DAPP contract, you need to put the BIN as data.
  9. via: this need to be a VNODE-PROXY address. You can get this address by run a local MOAC VNODE as proxy or use one from others.

To check the deploy results, referring to B6.


function deploycode()
            from: mc.accounts[0],
            to: subchainbase,
            gas: "0",
            gasPrice: "0",
            shardingflag: "0x1",
            nonce: 1,
            data: '0x606060405234156......9c6697187ac00029',
            via: '0x78e1b4584085......e3cff29f11f8d5e08f54dc'
    console.log('sending from:' +     src + ' to:' + tgtaddr  + ' with data:' + strData);

B5、DAPP function calls

To make the DAPP function calls, users also need to make a direct call. First, user need to compile the DAPP function calls and saved in the data section. Then send a transaction to MicroChain address, with correct parameters (B4). The results can be checked later (B6).


function testSet(num)
            from: mc.accounts[0],
            to: subchainbase,
            gas: "0",
            gasPrice: "0",
            shardingflag: "0x1",
            nonce: num,
            data: '0x4f2be91f',
            via: '0x78e1b45840850......ff29f11f8d5e08f54dc'
    //console.log('sending from:' +     src + ' to:' + tgtaddr  + ' with data:' + strData);

B6、Check MicroChain status

The status of the DAPP can be checked through SCS monitor service. User can start a SCS with monitor service by using the RPC option:

  • -rpcaddr [addr] SCS turn on rpc ip
  • -rpcport [port] SCS turn on rpc port

Data structure:

type Args struct {
    Sender       common.Address      // Dapp owner
    SubChainAddr common.Address
type ArgsData struct {
    Sender       common.Address     // Dapp owner
    SubChainAddr common.Address
    Func         string             // eg:"SetData()", "rpcGetData()"

SCS RPC reference


func GetScsId(args *Args, reply *common.Address) error

Return the SCSID of SCS.

Parameters: args - MicroChain id reply - Returned SCS id


client, err := rpc.DialHTTP("tcp", serverAddress+":"+serverPort)
var scsid common.Address
client.Call("ScsRPCMethod.GetScsId", Args{}, &scsid)


func GetNonce(args *Args, reply *uint64) error

Return the MicroChain nonce.

Parameters: args - MicroChain id reply - returned nonce value


args := Args{sender, subChainAddr}
var noce uint64//
client.Call("ScsRPCMethod.GetNonce", args, & noce)


func GetData(argsData *ArgsData, reply *[]byte)

Return a function value in DAPP contract. The funcation need to have not input parameters.


var replyData []byte
argsData := ArgsData{sender, subChainAddr, "GetData()"}
client.Call("ScsRPCMethod.GetData", argsData, &replyData)


func (scs *ScsRPCMethod) GetDappState(args *Args, reply *uint64) error

Return the DAPP contract status

  • 0: not created;
  • 1: created successfully;


args := Args{sender, subChainAddr}
var reply uint64
client.Call("ScsRPCMethod.GetDappState", args, &reply)


Check DAPP MicroChain using http protocol.


type ContractInfoReq struct {
    Reqtype      int//Request type: 0 - all; 1 - Array; 2 - mapping; 3 - structure; 4 - short types; 5 - long types, such as string, bytes; 
    Key          string//64 bytes HEX string, this is the index of the variable in the contract. Optional if request all variables.
    Position     string//64 bytes HEX string,when Reqtype=1,this is the variable index in the array; when Reqtype = 2, this is the mapping indes. 
    Structformat []byte//Only used for structure type, 1 - single; 2 - list; 3 - string; 

type GetContractInfoReq struct {
    SubChainAddr common.Address//contract address of DAPP 
    Request      []ContractInfoReq//Variables requested. 

Returned parameters:

type ContractInfo struct {
    Balance  *big.Int
    Nonce    uint64
    Root     common.Hash
    CodeHash []byte
    Code     []byte
    Storage  map[string]string
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