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MOARdV edited this page Jul 18, 2018 · 11 revisions

Flight Systems Redux

MOARdV Flight Systems Familiarization Manual

Revision 4.0 2016xxxx

NOTE: This mod is intended for RasterPropMonitor. It has not been updated in a long time.


FlightSystemsRedux is a mod that contains updated RasterPropMonitor IVA configurations for use in KSP. It is a revision and update of the FASA Gemini Modernization 2.0 last updated in 2014, and it provides a way to showcase RasterPropMonitor capabilities without resorting to all-glass cockpits.


The following are all requirements for using FlightSystemsRedux (and not included in this package):

Earlier versions of those mods may work, but such configurations are untested and unsupported.


Merge the GameData folder in this archive with the GameData folder in your KSP installation. The contents of this archive do not overwrite existing files anywhere but GameData/MOARdV/FlightSystemsRedux.

If you have a legacy version of the Gemini replacement IVA, you should delete it. It is not fully compatible with current versions of RasterPropMonitor.

Removing this mod is as simple as deleting the GameData/MOARdV/FlightSystemsRedux folder.


TL;DR: start playing. Almost everything is clickable, or it provides information. The IVA is retrofitted to existing flights, even.

Long version: Read the familiarization manual for the IVA you are using.

Manual: [FASA Gemini](Manual FASA Gemini)

Manual: [Yarbrough Mk. 1-1 A2](Manual Yarbrough Mk 1-1 A2)


Some of the instruments included in this mod pack are more complex than a simple "click and it does something" switch. These instruments are detailed in greater depth on their own pages.

  • [ARRT](How to ARRT): The Altitude / Range-Range Rate instrument is a dual-purpose instrument providing distance and closure rates useful for landing and rendezvous.
  • [DSKY](How to DSKY): Inspired by the Apollo DSKY, the ASET DSKY provides access to orbital data and timers.
  • [FDAI](How to FDAI): The Flight Directory / Attitude Indicator is based on the NASA Apollo FDAI. It is a replacement for the stock KSP NavBall that provides much greater capability.
  • [X-Pointer](How to XPointer): The X-Pointer instrument provides lateral displacement and velocity information for landing or rendezvous.


The contents of this mod are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) with the following exceptions:

All props and textures included in this mod were originally created by Alexustas. They are covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-SA). Some of them have been modified for inclusion in this mod.

Revision History

  • 1.0 - 21 JAN 2014 - Initial release covering the FASA Gemini pod.
  • 1.1 - 29 JUN 2014 - Bugfix release to account for updated RasterPropMonitor behavior.
  • 2.0 - 29 JUN 2014 - New FASA Gemini release incorporating some FASA Apollo props.
  • 3.0 - OCT 2015 - New lower-footprint FASA Gemini release using ASET props.
  • 4.0 - ??? 2016 - Add many otherwise-unreleased ASET props and the Yarbrough Mk. 1-1A2
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