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Manual FASA Gemini

MOARdV edited this page Apr 6, 2016 · 1 revision

#OVERVIEW FASA Gemini Familiarization Manual

The FASA Gemini pod is part of the Frizzank Aeronautical Space Administration mod package (FASA). It provides a KSP-adapted version of the Gemini pod flown by NASA in the 1960s. The MOARdV Flight Systems version 3.0 edition of the FASA Gemini IVA provides a functional interior based on the original Project Gemini cockpit layout, with a number of allowances made to fit in with KSP play and the expanded utility of the pod in ahistorical missions. This version of the IVA is compatible with FASA versions 5.36 and later (and likely many earlier versions).

The documentation below reflects an in-progress development of this IVA. It may include incomplete features and temporary props. It may also describe some features that are not available yet.

#FEATURES In addition to a new IVA configuration, detailed below, the FSR edition includes Module Manager overrides to make the following changes to FASA:

  • The FASA Probe Camera includes an RPM-compatible external camera, providing periscope functionality.

  • The FASA Gemini Docking Nosecone likewise includes an RPM-compatible external camera. In addition, the nose cone includes a radar capable of locking on to targets within 200km of the craft and 30 degrees of the nose.

#INSTRUMENT PANELS This section details the instruments and controls found within the FASA Gemini pod. This section uses the historical terminology to refer to the crew: the Command Pilot sat in the left seat and was responsible for flying the space craft; the Pilot sat in the right seat, and (in later missions) was responsible for EVA and certain scientific experiments.

This overview will progress from left to right within the cockpit, starting with the Command Pilot's consoles, crossing over the center console, and ending with the Pilot's consoles.

Left Switch and Circuit Breaker Panel

Left Switch and Circuit Breaker Panel

The Left Switch and Circuit Breaker Panel provides the Command Pilot access to the action group controls. AG1 through AG5 are on the top row, while AG6 through AG0 (AG10) are on the bottom row. In the above illustration, AG1 is on, all other AGs are off.

In addition, the Command Pilot's EVA hatch lever is positioned on the left sidewall above and aft of the panel.

Command Pilot Main Instrument Panel

Command Pilot Main Instrument Panel

The Command Pilot Main Instrument Panel provides most of the instrumentation required to operate the Gemini capsule during all phases of flight. It is divided into several sections.

Engine Control

Engine Control Group

The Engine Control Group consists of a master Engine Arm switch located on the left side of the panel, Full Throttle and Cut Throttle illuminated control buttons on the lower left corner of the panel, engine throttle and thrust indicators on the upper right side of the panel, and Engine Overheat and Engine Fault warning lamps on the indicator panel adjacent to the throttle / thrust instrument.

Flight Director

Flight Director Group

The Flight Director Group is a multi-mode instrument cluster design to assist in multiple phases of the flight. It consists of the Flight Director / Attitude Indicator display, the FDAI Guidance Mode Selector Panel, the Rate Scale Selector, and the Error Scale Selector.

Flight Director / Attitude Indicator

The Flight Director / Attitude Indicator (FDAI) provides the crew with information about the craft's orientation and tumble rate.

The center of the FDAI is the Nav Ball, which provides information about the craft's orientation with respect to the body it is orbiting.

Tumble rate information is broken down into the roll rate (white gauge on the top), the yaw rate (gauge on the bottom), and the pitch rate (gauge on the right). All rates are in degrees per second. The scale of the displays are controlled by the Rate Scale Selector described below.

The yellow error needles above the Nav Ball provide information on the craft's orientation relative to a selected direction, as controlled by the FDAI Guidance Mode Selector Panel (described below). The scale of the needles is controlled by the Error Scale Selector, below.

Mode flags can appear on the edges of the FDAI to provide status information. When the unit is switched off, the OFF flag is visible. When the unit is configured for docking port alignment, the DP flag is visible in the upper-right quadrant. When the unit is set to an invalid mode, the ERR flag is visible in the upper-left quadrant. In the above image, the ERR flag is visible because the FDAI is configured for maneuver node alignment, but no maneuver nodes are active.

FDAI Guidance Mode Selector Panel

The FDAI Guidance Mode Selector Panel controls the function of the error needles on the FDAI. The control consists of a selector knob, a +/- selector switch, a Sync to SAS switch, and two indicator flags.

The selector knob controls the error needles mode when the Sync to SAS switch is off, while the +/- selector switch determines which sub-mode is active, as described here. The sub-modes are in parentheses.

  • SURFACE (surface-relative prograde / retrograde),
  • ORBITAL (prograde / retrograde),
  • RADIAL (radial out / in),
  • NORMAL (normal + / normal -),
  • M.NODE (maneuver node),
  • TARGET (target + / docking port alignment),
  • R.VEL (target relative prograde / retrograde),

If an invalid mode is selected (TARGET or R.VEL with no target selected, M.NODE with no maneuver node scheduled), the error flag is visible. In the above image, it is visible since the FDAI is set to M.NODE without an active node.

When the Sync to SAS switch is on, the selector knob is ignored. Instead, the Sync to SAS flag is active, and the error needles display the error relative to the currently active SAS mode. Note that when SAS is set to Stability Assist, the error flag is active and the error needles are disabled.

Rate Scale Selector

The Rate Scale Selector knob allows the command pilot to change the roll, yaw, and pitch rate scales on the FDAI (the black arrows on the white strips on the top, bottom, and right side of the nav ball, respectively). Available settings are 10°/sec, 50°/sec, and 100°/sec.

Error Scale Selector

The Error Scale Selector knob allows the command pilot to change the scale of the roll, yaw, and pitch error needles on the FDAI (the yellow bars that move over the top of the navball). Available settings are 12°, 60°, and 120°.

Digital Flight Information Display

Digital Flight Information Display Group

The Digital Flight Information Display (DFID) provides context-specific flight information. It consists of two electro-luminescent numeric displays. The first display is a two-line four-digit output, while the second is a six digit time display. Data content is selected using the FDAI GUID control, as follows.

SURFACE - When a surface mode is selected, the 2-line display shows no data on the upper line and surface speed on the lower line. When the GUID direction selector is set to '+', the time display shows a countdown to a launch-to-rendezvous if a target is selected. When the selector is set to '-', the time display shows the time to impact when the landing computer is enabled (see Center Console, Lower) (requires MechJeb).

ORBIT - When one of the orbit modes are selected (ORBITAL, RADIAL, NORMAL), the 2-line display shows no data on the upper line and orbital speed on the lower line. The time display also shows no data.

NODE - When the M.NODE mode is selected, the 2-line display shows delta-V remaining on the next planned maneuver, accurate to 0.1 m/s, on the upper line. The lower line displays orbital speed. The time display shows time remaining until the scheduled maneuver node, or time elapsed since the maneuver node. If no node is scheduled, the dV reports '0.0' and the time display shows no data.

TARGET - When one of the target modes are selected (TARGET, R.VEL), the first line of the 2-line display shows either the closest distance to the target during the next orbit, accurate to 0.1km, or, if the Radar Range/Track switch on the lower center console is set to 'RANGE', it displays the range to the target in meters. The bottom line of the 2-line display shows the speed of the Gemini relative to the target. The time display shows the time until the closest approach to the target during the next orbit. If no target is selected, the displays show no data.

When the FDAI is set to SAS mode, the SAS mode controls the DFID mode.


Altitude Group

The Altitude group provides analog gauges to report altitude and vertical speed. It consists of a radar altimeter, a vertical speed indicator, and an analog altimeter.

The radar altimeter engages automatically at 1500m. It includes an optional altitude warning signal, selected by clicking the knob in the lower right of the instrument. The orange triangle on the edge of the altimeter moves to indicate the warning altitude in response to this action.

The vertical speed indicator and altimeter both function in normal fashion (like stock KSP instruments), although the altimeter has a limit of 100,000 meters.

Rendezvous Operations

Rendezvous Operations Group

The Rendezvous Operations Group includes the Monopropellant fuel gauge, the RCS enabled indicator flag, the translation controls, the X-Pointer display, the X-Pointer Error flag indicator, and the X-Pointer Mode Select switch and Scale switch.

The X-Pointer operates in one of four modes: Standby (OFF), Landing (LDG), Docking Distance (DOCK/DIST), and Docking Velocity (DOCK/VEL).

Landing mode provides the translational velocities of the Gemini, assuming the craft is configured for a nose-up landing. Docking Distance shows the displacement between the Gemini and its selected target, and Docking Velocity shows the translational velocities of the Gemini relative to its current target. If an invalid mode is selected (LDG when above 5km, DOCK/DIST or DOCK/VEL with no target), the needles stay zeroed and the error flag is enabled.

The scale of the display can be changed using the Scale switch - at the '1/10' setting, the scale shows values in the range of -2 to +2 in each axis. At the '1' setting, the scale is -20 to +20, and at the '10' setting, the scale is -200 to +200.


Recovery Group

The Recovery Group provides information during the reentry and landing phases of the mission.

On the left side of the console are a Parachute Armed indicator, the emergency Parachute Deploy illuminated button, and three indicator lamps. The upper lamp illuminates green when Periapsis is between 28km and 35km, providing for a nominal reentry profile with stock aerodynamics. The middle lamp illuminates at 8.5km to indicate that the drogue chute should deploy, since the craft is subsonic at this altitude during nominal reentry. The lower lamp illuminates at 3.0km to indicate that the main chute should be deployed.

(The Parachute Armed indicator functions only when RealChute is installed. The 8.5km and 3.0km altitudes were chosen for use with RealChute, although the ModuleManager configs included in RealChute for FASA Gemini have not been updated for KSP 1.0.4)

There are also three indicators on the upper right side of the console: Air Braking, illuminated when at least 0.05g of atmospheric drag is affecting the craft while the craft is unpowered; Ablation, illuminated when the heat shield is ablating; and High G, illuminated when the craft is undergoing at least 3g of acceleration.


Abort Group

The Abort Group on the Command Pilot's main panel consists of the abort button on the left side of the panel. The button is a two-stage system, consisting of a safety cover to prevent accidental presses as well as the abort button. Typical flight procedures have the Command Pilot open the safety cover prior to launch, and close the cover once the craft has passed the abort point during ascent.

Overhead Switch and Circuit Breaker Panel

(illustration goes here)

The Overhead Switch and Circuit Breaker Panel provide illuminated buttons for controlling MechJeb's SmartASS feature.

Center Console (Upper Assembly)

Center Console, Upper

The Upper Center Console provides a number of functions:

  • Cooling system management,
  • Sequencer controls,
  • Staging controls,
  • Fuel gauge and cabin temperature gauge,
  • Computer altitude display panel,
  • Acceleration gauge,
  • Primary time display,
  • Target Docking Apparatus (TDA) control,
  • Power Management,
  • Radio Mode,
  • Dynamic / Static pressure gauges,
  • Indicator Lamps

The cooling management switches on the top of the console are decorative.

The sequencer control switches on the left side of the panel control ascent guidance, maneuver node execution, docking autopilot, and landing guidance when MechJeb is installed.

The altitude display panel ('DSKY panel') provides current orbit information. It has indicator lamps indicating a stable orbit, an orbit that escapes the current SoI, an orbit that will aerobrake, and an orbit that will lithobrake (hit the current world). The 3-line numeric display reports the Ap, Pe, and current altitude in km. The mode select switch can change the scale of the display between HIGH (10 meter precision), LOW (1km precision), and INC (1km precision for the Ap and Pe, and the orbital inclination on the third line).

The Primary Time Display can be set to display the current mission time (MET), the next KAC Alarm time (ALARM), or the time to the next apsis (APSIS). Indicator flags on the right on this panel show which times are valid (MET, KAC, AP, and PE).

The Target Docking Apparatus control provides lamps to indicate that the dock is ready and that the craft is docked, as well as a button to initiate undocking.

The power management panel shows the current charge rate and battery charge levels. It includes a switch to enable the onboard fuel cell / generator, and a charge lamp that displays when the battery level is increasing.

Center Console (Lower Assembly)

Center Console, Lower

The Lower Center Console contains controls for:

  • The docking radar (including enabling the radar ranging mode),
  • The SAS mode select buttons,
  • The speed mode button and mode indicator flags,
  • The SAS enable switch, the MechJeb Kill Rot switch, and the MechJeb Landing Computer enable switch.
  • Landing gear and brake switches
  • The RCS switch (ATT CTL - attitude control) and the OAMS/RCS switch.
  • The Computer Reset (COMP RST), Clear Maneuver Nodes (CLR NODE), and Clear Target (CLR TRGT) buttons.
  • The Parachute Arm and Parachute Deploy illuminated buttons.
  • The control stick.

The docking radar is installed on the docking port on the nose of the Gemini craft. It will automatically lock on to the nearest craft in front of Gemini, and within 200km. When the target is close enough, the radar will automatically select the nearest available docking port.

The Mode button and the three flag indicators next to it show the current SAS / KSP nav ball mode (surface, orbit, or target). It has no effect on the FDAI, but it does affect the prograde / retrograde SAS modes.

OAMS/RCS switch is used to enable fuel reserves by clicking it to switch from OAMS to RCS. If no fuel reserves were designated, the switch will be fixed in the RCS position. On Gemini, the OAMS was the Orbital Attitude and Maneuver System used to control the craft in orbit. It corresponds to KSP's RCS. The Gemini RCS was Reentry Control System, the RCS ports on the nose of the pod that were used to keep Gemini pointed Blunt-End Forward during reentry. NASA policy was that if the reentry control system was engaged, the mission was to be aborted ASAP, since running out of fuel for the RCS system during reentry would be catastrophic.

The Computer Reset button turns off MechJeb functions. It's a convenience button for when you want to turn off MJ and switch on SAS.

The Parachute Arm button only works if RealChute is installed.

Pilot Main Instrument Panel

Pilot Main Instrument Panel

The Pilot Main Instrument Panel is primarily configured for managing the flight computer. It includes controls for fetching and setting assorted altitudes and selecting launch inclination.

Right Switch and Circuit Breaker Panel

Right Switch and Circuit Breaker Panel

The Right Switch and Circuit Breaker Panel has switches for the control panel backlights, the cabin overhead lights, and external lights. It also has a switch to enable precision control mode and a repeated of the docking translation controls.