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Bastien Saquet edited this page Mar 8, 2018 · 7 revisions

List of all features currently available in imeji


Create Collection

  1. Go to create collection
  2. Enter a title for the collection.
  3. (Optional) Change the author of the collection (per default it will always be the user which account is used for the creation of the collection) or add further authors to the collection
  4. (Optional) Enter a description, upload a logo, enter additional information
  5. Click on save
  6. The system displays a success message

Edit Collection

Precondition: The collection is in the state private or published.

  1. Select one collection
  2. Go to edit collection information
  3. Change the collection metadata, add new metadata or delete existing metadata as described in Create Collection
  4. Click on save
  5. The system displays a success message

Delete Collection

Precondition: The collection is in the state private.

  1. Select one collection
  2. Go to delete collection
  3. Confirm the deletion of the selected collection
  4. The system displays a success message

Publish Collection

Precondition: The collection is in the state private.

  1. Select one collection
  2. Go to publish collection
  3. If the collection does contain items without an assigned license, the system will inform the user that these items (the exact number will be displayed) will be published under the default licens", "e (the name will be displayed) of the system.
  4. Confirm the publishing of the selected collection
  5. The system displays a success message

Discard Collection

Precondition: The collection is in the state published.

  1. Select one collection
  2. Go to discard collection
  3. Enter a reason for the discard
  4. Confirm the discard of the collection
  5. The system displays a success message

Postcondition: The collection metadata is still displayed together with the discard comment. The items of the collection are discarded (see Discard Item)

Get DOI for Collection

Precondition: The collection is in the state published and hasn't been assigned with an DOI before.

  1. Select one collection
  2. Go to add DOI to collection
  3. The terms of use for the DOI service are displayed. To create a DOI under the displayed terms of use click on add DOI to Collection
  4. The system displays a success message

Note: It might helpful if the system administrator still would be able to manually assign a DOI

Share Collection

Sharing Rights

Following sharing rights are supported by imeji:

  • Read = permission to view and download items (incl. files & metadata) and to view the collection information
  • Edit = extends "Read" by the permission to create, delete, discard items and to edit collection information, items and item licenses
  • Admin = extends "Edit" by the permission to share, release, delete and discard collection

Add Sharing Rights

  1. Select one collection
  2. Go to share collection
  3. Choose between share with a user and share with a user group
  4. If you share with a user: enter the eMail address of the user(s) you want to share your collection with
  5. If you share with a user group: select the user group(s) you want to share your collection with
  6. Select, which rights these users / user groups should get (see Authorization)
  7. Decide, if the user(s) should get an eMail notification about the sharing
  8. Click on share
  9. If you share with a user: The system checks whether this user has an imeji account or not. If not, you have to decide if you want to invite this user or not.
  10. The system displays a success message. In case of an invitation, the system sends an invitation message.

Edit Sharing Rights

  1. Select one collection
  2. Go to share collection
  3. The system displays a list with all rights for the collection (see Authorization)
  4. The rights can be edited or deleted
  5. Decide, if the user(s) should get an eMail notification about the changes
  6. Click on save
  7. The system displays a success message

Show collection history

Precondition: The collection is in the state released.

  1. Select one collection
  2. Go to View collection history
  3. The system displays all changes within the items of the collection after the release (which items have been discarded and which items have been added together with a timestamp of the action) sorted by date starting with the newest changes on top


Create Subcollection

Precondition: User must have at least Edit grant for the collection

  1. Go to a collection
  2. Click on + Subcollection
  3. Enter name and save

Change Name of Subcollection

Precondition: User must have at least Edit grant for the parent collection

  1. Go to a subcollection
  2. In menu Collection click on Edit name
  3. Enter name and save

Delete Subcollection

Precondition: User must have at least Edit grant for the parent collection

  1. Go to a subcollection
  2. In menu Collection click on Delete
  3. Confirm

Move Subcollection

Precondition: User must have at least Edit grant for the parent collection and the parent collection must have pending state

  1. Go to a subcollection
  2. In menu Collection click on Move
  3. Select the destination by clicking either:
  • on the name of the collection/subcollection
  • Or on the + button besides the name of a collection/subcollection to create a new subcollection, enter the name and Save

Items (Files)

Upload Item

Remark: Upload is not any more part of the meta menu.

  1. Go to Collections
  2. Click on one Collection of the list
  3. If the User has Edit role for this collection:
  • Click on Upload, select files, click on Open
  • Drag and Drop pictures to the Item list
  1. Files are uploaded if:
  • No other file has the same checksum
  • No other file has the same filename

Select Item

NEW: Select items should also be possible for not logged in users.

Edit Item

Single Item

  1. Go to the detail view of an Item
  2. Click on Edit
  3. Enter metadata
  • if default statements are defined in the imeji instance: All default statements will be displayed and the user can enter values for the default statements
  • if item has already metadata values: the existing values can be edited
  • for new statements: Enter the name of a statement in the input ADD METADATA (a list of all available statements will be displayed)
    • If the statement exists: Click on Add, enter the metadata value
    • If the statement doesn't exists: Select the type, click on Add, enter the metadata value
  1. (Optionally) Upload a new version of the file (the old version will be overwritten)
  2. Click on Save

Selected Item

  1. Go to one of the browse item page (Browse / Collection / Search)
  2. Select item(s)
  3. Click on Edit
  4. The editor is initialized with:
  • One row for one file
  • One column for:
    • the statement(s) already used by at least one of the selected items
    • the statement(s) defined as default
  1. Add a new value for a single item: Click on + and enter the value
  2. Edit one value for a single item: Enter the new value in the input
  3. Add one value for the whole column: Click on Edit all items (magic wand), enter value, click on Add to all (the value will be added to all items; if one or several items already have a value for the selected metadata this will not be deleted, the new one will just be added)
  4. Clear all values for one column: Click on Remove (trash)
  5. Click on Save (without saving, nothing will be changed)
  6. REMARK: The used editor is only suitable for a small amount of items. When too many items are selected, the following use case (All Items of one collection) should be executed.

All Items of one collection

  1. If no item is selected: Go over More and click on Edit metadata of all items
  2. Enter the statement name in the input SELECT METADATA (a list of all available metadate statements will be displayed)
  3. If the statement exists: Enter the metadata value
  4. If the statement doesn't exists: Choose the type and enter the metadata value
  5. Choose one save action:
  • Overwrite existing values: All values on the items of the collection for this statement are overwritten with the new value
  • Append new value: The value is appended to all items
  • Add only if not already defined: Only items with no value for this statement get the new value

Delete Item

Single Item

Precondition: The item is part of a private collection.

  1. Go to the detail view of an item
  2. Click on Delete
  3. Confirm the deletion of the item
  4. Click on Confirm
  5. The item will be deleted and the system displays a success message.

Selected Items

Precondition: The items are part of a private collection.

  1. Go to one of the browse item page (Browse / Collection / Search)
  2. Select item(s)
  3. Click on Delete
  4. Confirm the deletion of the items
  5. Click on Confirm
  6. The items will be deleted and the system displays a success message.

All Items of one collection

Precondition: The collection is private.

  1. Select one collection
  2. Click on Delete all items of the collection
  3. Confirm the deletion of the items
  4. Click on Confirm
  5. The items will be deleted and the system displays a success message.

Discard Item


  • When discarding an item, the item itself will be deleted from the system but its metadata will be kept as it is so that users who know the direct URL of the item still can find the metadata of the item. The discard comment is always displayed together with the metadata.
  • Discard item is only possible for single items, not for selected or all items of a collection.

Precondition: The item is part of a published collection.

  1. Go to the detail view of an item
  2. Click on Discard
  3. Enter a discard comment and confirm the discard of the item
  4. Click on Confirm
  5. The item will be discarded and the system displays a success message.

Download Item

NEW: It should not be possible to download all files on the browsing page (as this can create server problems)

Single Item

  1. Go to the detail view of an item
  2. Click on Download (the original file will be downloaded) or on more/download metadata (the metadata in the API format will be downloaded)

Selected Items

  1. Select item(s)
  2. Click on Download (the original files will be downloaded) or on more/download metadata (the metadata in the API format will be downloaded)

All Items of one collection

  1. Go to one collection
  2. Go over More, Click on Download collection files (the original files will be downloaded) or on more/download metadata (the metadata in the API format will be downloaded)

Move Item

Precondition: The collection of the item is in the state private, and the user has at least edit right for the collection

Single Item

  1. Go to the detail view of an Item
  2. Click on Move
  3. A list of all collections for which the user has appropriate rights is displayed (user can filter list by entering a search term)
  4. Select target collection or create a new subcollection by clicking on +
  5. Item is moved to the selected collection
  6. User returns to previous screen and is notified that the operation has been successfully executed (green message)

Selected Items

  1. Go to one collection
  2. Select item(s)
  3. Click on Move
  4. A list of all collections for which the user has appropriate rights is displayed (user can filter list by entering a search term)
  5. Select target collection or create a new subcollection by clicking on +
  6. Items are moved to the selected collection
  7. User returns to previous screen and is notified that the operation has been successfully executed (green message) or that the operation wasn't possible for selected items (private)

Edit Item License

Single Item

  1. Go to the detail view of an item
  2. Click on Edit
  3. Select a new license from the list of available licenses or enter an own license (which consists of a name and an URL)
  4. Click on Save
  5. If the item is released: the new license is appended. The old license gets a timestamp
  6. If the item is private: The new license is saved

Selected Items

  1. Select item(s)
  2. Click on Edit License
  3. Select a new license from the list of available licenses or enter an own license (which consists of a name and an URL)
  4. Click on Save
  5. If the items are released: the new license is appended. The old license gets a timestamp
  6. If the item are private: The new license is saved

All Items of one collection

  1. Go to one collection
  2. Click on Edit License of all items
  3. Select a new license from the list of available licenses or enter an own license (which consists of a name and an URL)
  4. Click on Save
  5. If the collection is released: the new license is appended. The old license gets a timestamp
  6. If the collection is private: The new license is saved


Create Statement

For System administrators

  1. Go to: Admin / Statements (a list of all statements is displayed) / Create Statement
  2. Enter a statement name and choose a Type (following types are available: text, number, person, date, geolocation, link)
  3. (Optionally) Enter further information / restraints for the selected statement type
  • text: add predefined values
  • number: -
  • person: add vocabulary: CONE
  • date:
  • geolocation: add vocabulary: google
  • link: -
  1. (Optionally) Enter a namespace (external reference) for the statement together with its URL
  2. Save
  • If no other statement with the same name exists (case insensitive, space replaced by _): SUCCESS -> redirected to view all Statements
  • If another Statement exists -> ERROR -> User is asked to change the name

For users (apply for System administrators too)

  1. Go to [edit single item | edit selected items | all items of collection]
  2. Enter the statement name in the input ADD METADATA (a list of all available statements is displayed)
  3. (If the Statement doesn't exists): Select the type
  4. Click on Add
  5. Enter at least one value with this statement
  6. Save the Item(s)
  7. Result: Statement is created. Administrator can view it under: Admin / Statements. If no value is assigned to the statement, the statement will not be saved.
  8. (If the Statement already exists): the user can assign a value for the statement, see Edit

Edit Statement

Only for System administrators

  1. Go to: Admin / Statements /
  2. Click on ´Edit´ for one Statement of the list
  3. Edit name (The type can not be changed)
  4. (Optionally) Enter a namespace for the statement together with its URL
  5. Save
  • If the Statement is not used for any item -> SUCCESS
  • If the Statement is used by at least one item: Statement is changed for all these items -> SUCCESS
  1. Result: Statement name is changed and all items using this statements have been updated with the new statement

Delete Statement

Only for System administrators

  1. Go to: Admin / Statements /
  2. Click on ´Delete´ for one statement of the list
  3. Confirmation box:
  • If the statement is not used for any item: Do you really delete this statement? -> Delete -> SUCCESS
  • If the statement is used by at least one item: Sorry: This Statement can not be deleted. There is at least one item using this statement! -> ERROR

Make Statement default

Only for System administrators

  1. Go to: Admin / Statements /
  2. Click on Default for one of the statement of the list
  3. The Statement is listed in the input Default statements


Register User

  1. Click on Register
  2. Enter:
  • Email
  • Family Name
  • Optional: Given Name
  • Organisation
  1. Depending on instance configuration: Agree to the Term of Uses
  2. Click on Register now
  3. Open you Email client
  4. Click on the validation link
  5. Enter the password sent in the previous Email
  6. Click on Log in -> Done.

Create User

Only for System administrators

  1. Go to Admin
  2. In menu Users click on Create
  3. Fill in Form
  4. Click on Save

Edit User

  1. For system administrators (can edit all users):
  • Go to Admin
  • In menu Users click on Browse
  • Click on View details for the user to be edited
  1. For normal users (can edit only his own profile):
  • Got to user profile
  1. Click on Edit
  2. Fill in the form (only the system administrator can change the user grants and the disk space quota)
  3. Click on Save

Delete User

  1. For system administrators (can delete all users):
  • Go to Admin
  • In menu Users click on Browse
  • Click on View details for the user to be deleted
  1. For normal users (can edit delete his own profile):
  • Got to user profile
  1. Click on Delete
  2. A confirmation message is displayed: Click on Confirm
  3. The user is deleted, together with all his private content (= content that is not published nor shared). All other content will be kept.

User Groups

Create User Group

  1. Log in with system administrator role
  2. Go to Admin
  3. In menu Usergroups click on Create
  4. Fill in Form
  5. Click on Save

Edit User Group

  1. Log in with system administrator role
  2. Go to Admin
  3. In menu Usergroups click on Browse
  4. Click on View details for the usergroup to be edited
  5. Click on Edit
  6. Fill in form
  7. Click on Save

Delete User Group

  1. Log in with system administrator role
  2. Go to Admin
  3. In menu Usergroups click on Browse
  4. Click on Delete for the usergroup to be deleted
  5. A confirmation message is displayed: Click on Delete

Add Users to User Group

  1. Log in with system administrator role
  2. Go to Admin
  3. In menu Usergroups click on Browse
  4. Click on View details for the usergroup to be edited
  5. Click on Add user
  6. Click on the user to be added to the group

Remove Users from User Group

  1. Log in with system administrator role
  2. Go to Admin
  3. In menu Usergroups click on Browse
  4. Click on View details for the usergroup to be edited
  5. Click on Remove for the user to be removed
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