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Discord Ban Utilities for Mutual Servers!

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This bot project was inspired by the project here

Bot Permissions

Bot Permissions

Firebase integration

With v2.4, the bot now comes with logging feature with firebase integration & custom events. So to setup logging follow these steps:

  1. Create a Firebase project.
  2. Go to project settings
  3. In Firebase Admin SDK section, click on Node.js & finally on Generate new private key.
  4. Copy this private key (i.e. the json file which gets downloaded) into ./firebase-service-acc/

For more info check here


DISCORD_TOKEN = insert bot token

You can also copy sample.env file and rename it to .env.

  • Install dependencies by using npm install.
  • Use npm start to run the bot code.

For more info click here & here

Or Use Docker to start:

docker compose up -d --build ban-utils-bot

Incase there is no way to upload firebase service account key:

# Put respective details from the firebase service account file here if firebase key cannot be uploaded

Or use base64 encoder using

npm run firekeybase64

And then use the generated value below:

# Put base64 encoded version of the firebase service account file here if above method doesn't work



Feel free to make your own improved version of the bot!