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MRH4287 edited this page Nov 9, 2014 · 2 revisions

This page is ment for experienced users. If you don't understand what is written on this page, don't worry.

How does it work?

This System uses Filter settings based on RegularExpression.

Because of that, every text can be matched within the Story Element.

This includes:

  • Description
  • Title
  • Username
  • Information (like Characters, etc.)

There is also an option to search within the story itself. You can define how many chapters the Script is going to parse.

If the selected filter finds a match within the story itself, then the element is marked the same way.

These Regular expressions are using three Groups.

The first and last group is used for the marking the keywords in the description text of the main page.

It is not needed to have those, but it's good to have.

General a Filter looks this way:

([^a-z]|^)(Your Filter Settings)([^a-z]|$)

For example, you are looking for the word "School" then you have two options:

Write the Filter this way: School The problem with that is, that this filter will also match the Word "Highschool" Write the Filter this way: ([^a-z]|^)(School)([^a-z]|$) This Filter will only match the Word "School" and displays the found match correctly If you want to match the word "Highschool" too, you can do the following:


If you don't understand what that means, you can search for RegExp Tutorials or use filters from other users.

HowTo create a basic Filter

You can create a new Filter by pressing the Button Add new Filter at the bottom of the Menu.

When you click that, a new Box should appear. This is your Filter. But in its current state, it doesn't know what to do.

The first thing to do, is to give the filter a Name.

The name is later used to identify a matching story, so give it a name you'll recognize.

The next thing to do, is to tell the Filter when it should activate. To do so, you have to define one or more Keywords.

Every Keyword is parsed as something calles RegularExpression.

A RegularExpression (or short RegExp) is a way to define a specific combination of words. It can do a lot of stuff but can get complex real fast.

Example 1

If you want to create a new Filter for your favorite Shipping (Relationship between two or more characters), you can do this.

Let's say the name of the Word you are searching for is Thundershipping.

You now have two options. The easiest option is to simply insert the name Thundershipping in the Keywords list.

This works, but there is a better way. If you use the following "magic Text":


If you use this style of Filter, my system can mark the corresponding elements in your Story-List. Like i said, you don't have to use it, but it is the better way of doing it.

Example 2

Let's say, you want to filter every appearance of the word shipping in combimation with another word.

Possible Values: Thunder-Shipping, Cloudshipping, Sunshipping, etc.

For that, you'll need a little more Regular Expression. The completed Filter looks something like that:



  • The Block [a-z] defines the range of characters from A to Z
  • The + says: At least once.
  • The -? means: There can be a -, but there don't have to be one.

Note: I set the Option to Case-Insensitive. Otherwise [a-z] would match a-z and not A-Z

After you created the Keywords, you can specify the "Ignore when" Conditions. Those mean: Only trigger, if the Keywords match, but the Ignore Conditions don't match.

You don't have to specifiy the "magic Text" for those.

Now you can modify the Filter for your needs.