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Building RUL for Unity

CaptainBubbles edited this page Sep 11, 2014 · 1 revision

#Building RUL for Unity

You may need to compile RUL yourself if you want to use it with a different version of Unity. All you need to do is switch the UnityEngine.dll reference with the dll you would like to target.

1. Open the RUL solution in Visual Studio or MonoDevelop.
2. Remove the UnityEngine reference from the References folder.
3. Add the version of UnityEngine.dll you would like to target to the references (Add Reference -> Browse)

The path of the Unity dll depends on your OS and your Unity installation path :
Windows (with default installation path) :
C:\Program Files\Unity\Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll
Mac (with default installation path) : /Applications/Unity/

4 Build RUL (in VS : Build->Build Solution / F7) with Release configuration.
The new RUL dll should now be ready in /bin/Release

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