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Tutorial : Random Vectors

Maximilian Stadlmeier edited this page Jul 12, 2014 · 1 revision

#Tutorial 03 : Random Vectors

RUL is designed for use in game development, so vector-randomization is one of its core features.

All functions related to vector-randomization are located in the


class. RUL provides many ways to generate random vectors. In this tutorial I will showcase just a few of them.
Note that function names and parameter types may differ slightly, depending on which framework or engine you are using. Most of these functions are also available for 3-dimensional vectors.

###RulVec.RandVec2(float lowerBoundX, float lowerBoundY, float upperBoundX, float upperBoundY) This is the easiest way to generate a random vector. The parameters create a rectangle that will contain the random vector.

for(int i = 0; i < 100;i++)
	Vec2 myVector = RUlVec.RandVec2(200,200,400,400);

###RulVec.RandVec2Between(Vec2 pointA, Vec2 pointB) Another simple function. This will create a vector that lies somewhere between pointA and pointB

for(int i = 0; i < 10;i++)
	Vec2 myVector = RulVec.RandVec2Between(new Vec2(200,200), new Vec2(400,400))

###RulVec.RandVec2(Vec2 baseVector, float maxAngle) This one is a little more complicated, but quite useful. This function takes a base vector and an angle(in radians). The output is a copy of the base vector that will be randomly rotated by an angle between -maxAngle and maxAngle.

for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
	Vec2 myVector = RulVec.RandVec2(new Vec2(300,200),(float)(Math.PI / 2F));//maximum angle of 0.5 Pi (90°)

For more ways to randomize vectors, check out the documentation

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