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Releases: MTCKC/ProconXInput

ProconXInput v0.1-alpha2 release2

03 Jul 09:59
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Let's try that again

Now including all 'optional' software that I left out in previous releases, ProconXInput v0.1-alpha2 release2 should help ease installation, reduce headache, and increase usable Switch Pro Controllers over USB.


  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or newer
  • .net Framework 4 (Windows 8 and newer come with .net Framework 4 preinstalled)

release2 changes

  • HidGuardian.Lib, HidGuardian.Srv, and HidCerberus are now included in the release package.
  • The install script was updated to also install HidGuardian.Srv and HidCerberus, and automatically configure them to block the Switch Procon from being noticed by compliant Windows software. This means #2 should not occur and Windows 10 users should be able to use ProconXInput.
  • Once you install this release, you shouldn't move the ProconXInput folder. HidCerberus.Srv is installed as a Windows service, and Windows doesn't like it when you move services around. If you need to move or rename the ProconXInput folder, run uninstall Drivers.bat first before moving the folder, then run install Drivers.bat again after moving/renaming.
  • The actual program itself was not changed, just the release package.
  • NOTE: This install configures HidGuardian, a driver designed to hide HID devices from applications, to hide the Switch Pro Controller. You might not be able to use the Procon via Bluetooth as a DInput device while HidGuardian is hiding it. To unhide it, in your web browser go to localhost:26762 while the HidCerberus.Srv service is running and remove HID\VID_057E&PID_2009 from 'Currently affected devices'.

How to install

  1. Grab the correct release for your system. Don't get the 32-bit version for a 64-bit version of Windows, they are NOT compatible!
  2. Extract the contents of the .zip to their permanent location. You won't be able to move, rename, or delete the folder after installing without uninstalling first!
  3. Run install Drivers.bat as an administrator.
  4. Plug in your Switch Pro Controller, or replug it if it was previously plugged in.
  5. Run ProconXInput.exe

The original release is as follows.

Bugfixes and Installers and Calibration, oh my!

No longer do you have to scour the web to find devcon.exe, download various Scp drivers, or type arcane commands to install ProconXInput! Packaged with this release is all you need to get your Switch Pro Controller working over USB. Read included in the release for instructions.

Download the appropriate version for your system. 32-bits for 32-bit Windows only, 64-bits for 64-bit Windows only!

Full release notes are over in


  • Basic calibration support has been added. No longer will your sticks be forever out of reach of moving your cursor in Rocket League's menu! Simply press the Share button once after launching the driver, and your controller's stick centers will be recorded, while the stick mins and maxes are adjusted on-the-fly. Implements #3.

  • Your buttons are now where you expect them to be! #5 is now fixed, meaning the bottom button on your Procon will do the same thing as the bottom button on your other XInput controllers. For those who prefer the Procon A = XInput A style, #6 is on its way.

  • Windows would sometimes freak out after the driver started talking to the Procon, doing all sorts of weird things ranging from erratic clicking, opening and closing Magnifier, and adjusting the volume. I changed a line in hid.c to hopefully fix that. My preliminary testing is good, but I need feedback on this one. Comment on #2 with your results.

For additional changes, see

ProconXInput v0.1-alpha

02 Jul 08:01
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It should be stable enough for playing games, but it's not packaged nicely and it isn't pretty. This release should theoretically support all platforms ScpToolkit does, so Windows Vista/7/8/10.

It currently theoretically supports up to 4 Switch Pro Controllers via USB, but I only own one so I can't test past that.

Rumble is unsupported currently, and it might be forever unless I get a reliable way to test it. I don't have an XInput controller that supports rumble, and there's no reliable testing app to send rumble commands.

The controller will sometimes get cranky and decide to not work. Some things that cause this are being plugged in while Windows reboots or if the driver is killed unexpectedly. The driver will hang if you launch it while the controller is like this, you can press Ctrl+C to kill it. If this happens, try replugging the controller then relaunching the driver.

Read for license details and other stuff.


  1. Install ScpVBus first, see below.
  2. Download the release, get the 64-bit version if you have 64-bit Windows, likewise for the 32-bit version.
  3. Unzip it where you want it
  4. Get the XOutput1_1.dll for your system (amd64 for 64-bit, x86 for 32-bit) from here and place it next to the unzipped ProconXInput.exe
  5. Plug the Switch Pro Controller into your computer
  6. Run ProconXInput.exe, ignore the warnings about HidCerberus
  7. Hit Windows Key+R, enter joy.cpl into the Run box, hit enter (Or launch the 'Set up USB Game Controllers' panel however you want)
  8. Check to see if your controller exists
  9. Calibrate your controller if you want.
  10. Game on!

Installing/Uninstalling ScpVBus

  1. Download ScpVBus from here.
  2. Get devcon.exe, and put it in the PATH or next to the driver to install. Make sure you install the amd64 driver on 64 bit Windows, and the x86 driver on 32 bit
  3. Launch an Administrator command prompt and navigate to the driver folder. devcon will fail if you do not launch it as an Administrator!
  4. Run devcon install ScpVBus.inf Root\ScpVBus in the same folder as the driver
  5. Press "Install" when the confirmation box shows up, optionally untick "Always trust software from '...'"
  6. Good to go!
  7. To uninstall ScpVBus, run devcon remove Root\ScpVBus or in Device Manager right click System Devices/Scp Virtual Bus Driver and hit "Uninstall".

OR, you can install the ScpToolkit if you don't want to do it manually. This installs a bunch of extra software that isn't required, however. Especially make sure to not install the Bluetooth driver if you aren't going to use Dualshock 3 controllers via Bluetooth, as they can interfere with normal Bluetooth usage.

HidGuardian and HidCerberus

If your games are picking up on the plugged-in Switch Controller that doesn't work properly and not the XInput device, you'll need to hide it using HidGuardian.

See HidGuardian, HidCerberus.Lib, and HidCerberus.Srv.

Simply place HidCerberus.Lib.dll in the same folder as ProconXInput.exe and it gains support for HidCerberus and HidGuardian, as long as both HidCerbeus.Srv and HidGuardian are installed.