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The repo for the static site.


Each page has a markdown file associated with it for content editing. Go to Markdown Folder

Build Instructions

  1. To get started, clone and...
yarn install
yarn start
  1. Airtable setup When Gatsby builds, it uses graphql to get all of its data from our airtable. You will need to be added to the airtable, and then make a copy of the sample.env
$> cp sample.env .env

replace YOUR_API_KEY with your api key: GATSBY_AIRTABLE_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY - How to generate your api key


The server and client are built into a docker container.

The container is published to DockerHub.

CI build & deployment uses a CircleCI config and the output is public.


This project is deployed automatically on kubernetes and the infrastructure config is here.

If you are working on this project you will have been setup with kubectl.

Common Operations

Set the namespace for your commands (only needs to be done once):

kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=prod-mvpstudio-web

See the running pods for a project/namespace:

kubectl get pods

NAME                                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
prod-mvpstudio-web-deployment-5764c44b6d-42ntl   1/1       Running   0          10d

Get the logs from the contianer:

kubectl logs prod-mvpstudio-web-deployment-5764c44b6d-42ntl

MVP-studio node server listening on port 8001!

Restart the container:

kubectl delete pod prod-mvpstudio-web-deployment-5764c44b6d-42ntl

SSH into the container

kubectl exec -it prod-mvpstudio-web-deployment-5764c44b6d-42ntl -- /bin/bash

mvp@prod-mvpstudio-web-deployment-5764c44b6d-xbzgr:~/app$ ls
config  public  server

mvp@prod-mvpstudio-web-deployment-5764c44b6d-xbzgr:~/app$ exit

Manually Deploy

kubectl apply -f ./kube