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Welcome to our example app showing off how to make a JAM stack application using Macrometa and GatsbyJS.

This demo makes use of c8db-source-plugin to get some of the data as markdown and then transform it to HTML to display directly in the browser.

Getting Started

  1. nodejs and npm and Gatsby-CLI npm install -g gatsby-cli must be installed on your machine.

  2. If you don't have one already go ahead and signup for a free Macrometa developer account.

  3. Once you're logged in to Macrometa create a document collection called markdownContent. Then create a single document with title and content fields in markdown format. This creates your data model the app will be using for it's static content.

    Here's an example of what the markdownContent collection should look like:

"title": "## Real-Time Polling Application",
"content": "Full-Stack Geo-Distributed Serverless App Built with GatsbyJS and Macrometa!"

content and title keys in the document are in the markdown format. Once they go through gatsby-source-c8db, data in title is converted to <h2></h2>, and content to <p></p>.

  1. Now create a second document collection called polls. This is where the poll data will be stored.

In the polls collection each poll will be stored as a separate document. A sample document is mentioned below:

 "pollName": "What is your spirit animal?",
 "polls": [
     "editing": false,
     "id": "975e41",
     "text": "dog",
     "votes": 2
     "editing": false,
     "id": "b8aa60",
     "text": "cat",
     "votes": 1
     "editing": false,
     "id": "b8aa42",
     "text": "unicorn",
     "votes": 10

Setting up Auth

Your Macrometa login details along with the collection to be used and markdown transformations has to be provided in the application's gatsby-config.js like below:

     resolve: "gatsby-source-c8db",
     options: {
       config: "",
       auth: {
         email: process.env.MM_EMAIL,
         password: process.env.MM_PW
       geoFabric: "polling_app",
       collection: 'markdownContent',
       map: {
         markdownContent: { 
           title: "text/markdown",
           content: "text/markdown" 

Under password you will notice that it says process.env.MM_PW, instead of putting your password there we are going to create some .env files and make sure that they are listed in our .gitignore file so we don't accidently push our Macrometa password back to Github. In your root directory create .env.development and .env.production files.

You will only have one thing in each of those files: MM_PW='<your-password-here>'

Running the app locally

  1. Fork this reopo and clone your fork onto your local machine
  2. Run npm install
  3. Execute npm run develop to start the local server. This will start local development server on http://localhost:<some_port> and the GraphiQL should be at http://localhost:<some_port>/___graphql

How to deploy app(UI) on Github Pages

Simply run npm run deploy!

Gatsby will automaticall generate the static code for the site, create a branch called gh-pages, and deploy it to Github.

Now you can access your site at <your-github-username>

You can checkout an example of the app here

To allow multiple people to vote on the same topic just share the vote URL with them. A sample URL can be

To create a new poll use