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Anthony Reimer edited this page Jan 31, 2020 · 14 revisions

0. Where should I put the Install macOS app so that AutoDMG can use it?

Due to a bug in Apple's installer (#222) AutoDMG fails on Mojave or later if the macOS installer app is on the system volume, such as in /Applications where it's placed by default. Put the installer app on an external volume such as a USB stick or dmg (e.g., as created by, mount the drive/dmg, and then drag the app to AutoDMG as the source (not the dmg).

1. Can I build images for one OS while running another?

No. Apple's installer does not work across OS versions. If you want to build a 10.14 image, AutoDMG needs to run on a 10.14 machine.

2. Can I build with an old point release and apply the combo update?

You can, but I strongly recommend against it, and AutoDMG will never offer the combo as an update. Download the latest installer from the App Store and use that as the source.

3. How do I create a recovery partition?

It's already included in the output image. If you're using DeployStudio just add the image to Masters/HFS, there's no need for a separate recovery dmg.

4. How do I avoid including a recovery partition?

Apple's installer automatically creates the recovery partition as part of the installation, and there's no option to turn it off. If you really want to you can modify to create a non-journaled HFS+ sparseimage, which as a side effect causes the recovery partition installation to fail. This is unsupported and may cause AutoDMG to fail in some scenarios, for example when running on 10.7.

5. What happens when an installer is deprecated?

Installers are deprecated when Apple releases a newer version in the App store. Since combo updates are not supported you are expected to build using the latest installer. You can still build an image using a deprecated installer, but you have to add updates manually as additional packages, or with the process outlined here to stay behind.

6. Do I need to scan the image for restore?

No, AutoDMG scans the image for restore when building images.

7. Can I include drag & drop apps in additional software?

Yes, if your intention is for AutoDMG to copy the app to /Applications. The app (or any package) can be wrapped in a DMG, but zip is not supported.

8. AutoDMG complains that I don't have enough space, even though I'm saving to a large external drive.

AutoDMG builds a temporary, writeable disk image in the system temp folder before it converts it to the final read only disk image in the location you specified. You can tell AutoDMG to use a different folder by launching it from the Terminal with the TMPDIR variable set (with a trailing slash):

$ mkdir -p /path/to/big/drive/tmp
$ chmod 01777 /path/to/big/drive/tmp
$ TMPDIR=/path/to/big/drive/tmp/ /Applications/

Please note the trailing slash when setting the TMPDIR!

9. What are "incomplete" installers?

Beginning with 10.13 High Sierra, when you download an installer from the App Store you may end up with a small "stub" installer, instead of the full 5 GB installer app. It doesn't contain the necessary installer resources needed to create a system image. Downloading on a computer or VM without a custom Software Update server configured, and on a network without a caching server, seems to increase the odds of getting a full installer. Alternatively, you can use to create a full installer in a disk image.