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Support guide

deby edited this page Apr 9, 2018 · 2 revisions

[Users Support/Social Media Team]

✅ Keep track of bug reports and suggestions

On GitHub:

Bug trackers (where you can see all the issues):

✅ Moderate + Interact with users

Users have lots of ways to interact with us so we want to make sure that we read everything: to reply to their questions and comments, help them, just interact with them or moderate any inappropriate content (when we can).

ℹ️ Where do I check messages?

Reddit, Facebook
  • Assignees for Reddit + Facebook should check Reddit + Facebook

ℹ️ How do I reply to messages?

If it's a good comment

Say thank you, send lots of love, hearts, and positive attitude <3

If it's a bad comment
  • Never get angry
  • Stay polite, nice and positive - the credibility of the site is at stake!
  • If you think they might have constructive feedback to help improve, politely ask them for more feedback on what they don't like
  • If they're trolling, just ignore them
If it's neutral and you don't have anything to say

Simply like the tweet/activity/comment/post. It shows them that the team took the time to read them and care about its users.

If it's a question on how to use the website
  1. Search the wiki for an answer
  2. If you can't find an answer, create a new wiki page to answer the question
  3. Reply to the user with a link to the wiki page

It helps standardize the answers, make them more complete, and help us save time when lots of people ask the same question!

If it's a bug report:
  • Make sure it's actually a bug:

  • Search on GitHub to see if the bug already exists:

    • If it exists, add a comment to the issue with a link to the message or a screenshot
    • If it doesn't, create a new issue on GitHub explaining the bug + a link to the message or a screenshot
  • Say thank you for reporting to the user and tell them the staff team is going to look into this issue and fix it as soon as possible. Tell them that if they're interested in the development, they can follow the issue + send a link to the issue.

  • Whenever db0 works on the site, she'll go through the list of bugs and new features you submitted and take care of them, then update the site and notify the team on Twitter that the bug/feature has been fixed/implemented.

If it's a suggestion of feature
  • Discuss with the staff team to see if it's a good idea or not
  • If it is, do the same things than for bug reports
  • If it's not, explain to the person who asked for it why it's not a good idea and thank them for their suggestion!
If it's about donations/money, technical things you don't understand or personal problems that you can't fix with staff permissions

Mention @db0 asking her to reply to the message herself.

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