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Setting up th app

  1. yarn
  2. npx pod-install

To start the app run:

yarn start This command also cleans watchman cache which usually just results in deprecated warnings, so we get rid of it.

yarn ios | yarn android

The app is currently working with default flipper sdk which is

  • 0.182.0 on android
  • 0.182.0 on iOS

This flipper SDK works with flipper desktop app with version of 0.225.0 (latter not tested)

Adding new endpoints

in src/api/enpdoints start adding new endpoint based on the path as: this/is/__parameter/path results in call to-> baseUrl/this/is/<your parameter>/path

This pattern is used to prevent creating the same enpoint many times, te path has to be hardcoded anyway. The result should look like:

in endpoints/example/url

return useQuery({
   queryFn: () => request({url: 'example/url', method: 'GET'})



This project uses match to orchestrate certificates and provisioning profiles workflow

When setting up new machine all you need to do is fastlane match <env> --readonly

Whenever something gets messed up you can just nuke the certs.


To release new testflight version go to android directory and run fastlane betaAndroid

Keep in mind releasing new versionName requires manual change at the momet

Testflight and testing lanes

Run yarn release