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This is the reference implementation of the Discord platform for Manebot, my multi-platform (where platform means chat platform) chatbot framework. You can use this plugin to get Manebot to interact with Discord. The integration is completely seamless; simply install the Discord plugin to Manebot, associate it with a bot user, and watch your existing plugins/features auto-magically work on the Discord platform!

The support for the Discord Bot API is excellently and efficiently provided through JDA:


Manebot is a really neat plugin-based Java chatbot framework that allows you to write one "bot", and host it across several platforms. This plugin provides the Discord "Platform" to Manebot, which allows Manebot to seamlessly interact with Discord and provide all of the features your Manebot instance is set up to provide on Discord.

How do I make a bot with this?

You don't have to do anything specifically to make a bot for Discord with Manebot; the objective of Manebot is to act as middleware, abstracting the Discord platform away from you as a developer and to provide you a platform-agnostic API to seamlessly port (or simoultaneously host) your bot in other platforms, such as Slack.

In summary, simply follow the guides on making a bot with Manebot, and just install Discord when you're ready to test that platform!

In its conceptual phase, Manebot's Chat interaction API was designed around Discord's feature set, so Discord is well-supported.


Manebot uses the Maven repository system to coordinate plugin and dependency installation. Because of this, you can easily install the Discord platform plugin without interacting with your filesystem at all.

plugin install discord

After you've installed Discord, you should configure its token property (that's how you authenticate with the Discord Bot API), then enable it:

plugin enable discord

... and that's it! Discord will automatically start with Manebot, and even re-install itself if you "accidentally" the associated JAR files. It's got your back.


plugin uninstall discord

You should restart Manebot too to make sure it's totally unplugged. You can clean up any no longer needed plugins it required with:

plugin autoremove


Property Default Required Description
token (none) Yes Discord needs a bot token to authenticate your bot. Generate a token here:
shardId 0 No If you want to use sharding (if your bot is super popular), you can set your shard ID with this property. If you don't know what sharding is, you probably don't need this.
totalShards 1 No If you want to use sharding (if your bot is super popular), you can set the total shard count with this property. If you don't know what sharding is, you probably don't need this.
audio true No This is a sort of "kill-switch" for the audio system. If you'd rather not have audio features (i.e. music bot), set this to "false". Keep in mind this plugin doesn't handle "music bot" stuff on its own, you'll need some other plugin for that.
autoReconnect true No If you don't want this plugin to automatically reconnect to Discord when it loses connection, set this to "false".
poolSize 5 No This controls the "core pool size" for JDA, the Discord Bot API that this plugin uses. For more information on what this does, go check out their wiki.
idle false No This sets the "idle" property of JDA.
maxReconnectDelay 900 No Sets the maximum re-connection delay, in seconds. This only applies if "autoReconnect" hasn't been manually set to "false".
compression true No Set this to "false" if you don't want compression in the communications made to Discord.


The Discord plugin requires the following plugins at least be installed. Don't worry, if you don't have them installed, Manebot will automatically install them for you.

  • io.manebot.plugin:audio
  • io.manebot.plugin:media

Supported Features

This plugin supports the following essential Discord features:

  • Discord user system
  • Automatic user registration via the default user registration implementation
  • Embeds, those fancy boxes that you can throw fields, titles, footers, and thumbnails into.
  • Markdown text (bold, italics, inline or block code, underline, strikethrough, etc.)
  • Soft handling of unsupported API calls. Don't worry, if your plugins make an API call that Discord doesn't support, we'll do our best to handle it... or, in a "let's not, but say we did" kind of way, hide our embarassment 👀
  • Direct or private text channels
  • Guilds as Manebot "Communities"
  • Guild text channels
  • Guild voice channels via the audio plugin's AudioChannel system