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A group chat based android app

An android app named 'Chat' for group chatting. Using the app you can chat with anybody who is already registered in the app. The chat box can send images,videos as well as audios.Moreover, it can show the number of unread messages in one login session.

The activities in the app :-

1. MainActivity.class

This activity is used for user login and is the first activity when we start the app. A user can login using his name and email-id. On successful login he is directed to Chats.class.


2. Main2Activity.class

This activity is used for user registration. A user will register using his name, email-id and a profile-pic(optional). On successful registration he is directed to Chats.class.


3. Chats.class

This activity displays a list of all the group chats having one of the members as the user who logged in.


4. Groupname.class

This activity will appear after you click the 'Create Group' option in the overflow menu in Chats.class. Here, you mention the name and group-pic(optional) of the group your are creating. After clicking on 'Proceed' you are directed to CreateGroup.class .


5. CreateGroup.class

This activity displays list of all users who are registered with the app. Here you could choose your other group members. After clicking on 'Create' your group gets created and you are directed to ChatRoomActivity.class.


6. ChatRoomActivity.class

This activity is basically a chat box where you send and receive messages. You could send text, images, videos as well as audios.

Drawing Drawing

7. group_inf.class

This activity will be visible after you click on the toolbar in ChatRoomActivity.class. This activity will show you all the group details.

Drawing Drawing Drawing

8. chk.class

This activity is used to view a profile image on full screen . Whenever you click on a image icon in any activity (except group_inf.class) , chk.class gets started displaying the selected image on full screen.


Moreover, Firebase cloud messgaing is used for getting chat notifications.


Sometimes, it may happen that a user might not be able to login or some other operations (requiring server calls) may result with an unsuccessful status, this might be possible due to poor functioning of servers.

Therefore, if a user encounters such problems frequently then he should follow the given steps:-

  1. create a local server or choose any remote server (to store php files and to create a MySQL database)
  2. download the zip file(containing all php files) from the link:- and put all the contents of the downloaded zip file in the htdocs(=or public_html) folder on his server
  3. download the .sql file from the link:- and create a database from that file
  4. add the details of his newly created database in include-->dbconnect.php file present inside the htdocs(=or public_html) folder on the new server
  5. and then go to app->src->main->java->chat-->manan->chat--> and change the URLs accordingly


A group chat based android app







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