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Maze-Autoroute 🛣

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Mapping your routes by your routes folder structure

Getting started

  1. Create a backend folder, go into it and run these commands :

    $ npm init
    $ npm install maze-autoroute
    $ npm install express 
  2. Create a server.js file which has the following code :

    const express = require('express');
    const autoroute = require("maze-autoroute");
    const app = express();
    // ROUTES ----------------------------------------------------------
    const onmatch = ({route,module}) => app.use(route, require(module));
    // END ROUTES ------------------------------------------------------
    // Listening parameters
    app.listen(4000, () => {
        console.log("Ready on port: " + 4000);

Try it !

  1. Create the /backend/routes folder structure.
  2. Create two modules in /backend/routes : Hello and fun/World
    // ---- In backend/routes/Hello/index.js ----
    const express = require("express");
    const router = express.Router();
    router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
        res.send("Hello world! The automatic router works!");
    router.get('/submit-sign-in', async (req, res) => {
        res.send("You are magically signed in!");
    module.exports = router;
    // ---- In backend/routes/fun/World/index.js ----
    const express = require("express");
    const router = express.Router();
    router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
        res.send("Don't waste your time on basic routing... Just saying.");
    router.get('/how-r-u', async (req, res) => {
        res.send("Glad you asked! I am fine!");
    module.exports = router;

Feeling like using nodemon ?

  1. Edit the package.json file obtained to add the server script
    "scripts": {
        // ... other commands
        "server": "nodemon server.js"

Customer services demo

if you do prefer having a concrete example of the autorouter without creating a brand new project, I get you covered with a small demo project on GitHub. Go check it.


Option default type
onmatch match => {} function
onerr ({message}) => { console.log(message) } function
rootp 'routes/' string
subr null misc
translations [] array of object
verbose false true


onmatch : on match Function to pass to be apply on every route at the final process. That process iterates over simple objects containing the final route string (route) and the path to the module (module) relative to the given base folder path given by the option rootp.

const onmatch = e => { 
    // destructured route item
    const { route, module } = e;
    express.use(route, require(module));

Sticking to this sniped is the better practice. Since the AutoRouter is calling onmatch anyway.


onerr : on error Function to pass to handle exceptions that can very unlikely happen during the auto routing. You may prefer to stick to the default value:

const onerr = ({message}) => { console.log(message) }; // default value


rootp : root path Defines the root folder to loop recursively to create the based route tree dynamically.

const rootp = 'routes/'; // default value

Note : the path should be relative to the server root level.


subr : sub route Tells how to translate a route which is in a folder that points on a folder that is not a "leaf" in the folder tree part of rootp.

Note: Providing that special translation may avoid further eventual conflicts. Even routes work in the first place... prevention is the key!

The value of subr can be either of these :

[ null | 'b64' | 'cptlz' | { after:'<something>', before:'<something>' } ]

use like this

const subr = null ; // default value

null case : Take this following unchanged mapping. From the demo; subr is null by default:

AUTOROUTING: routes in 'routes/'
↪ [
  '/',                      #not a leaf !
  '/api',                   #not a leaf !
  '/api/customerservices',  #not a leaf !
  '/api/customerservices/cannotsee', #a leaf !

cptlz case capitalize case : In this instance, the sub route will be capitalized ! subr is cptlz

AUTOROUTING: routes in 'routes/'
↪ [
  '/', # nothing changed for the root ... (*)

  '/Api', # /api => /Api
  '/api/Customerservices', # /api/customServices => /api/CustomServices
  '/api/customerservices/cannotsee' # a leaf !

b64 case : In this following mapping ; subr is 'b64' :

AUTOROUTING: routes in 'routes/'
↪ [

  # it's /api/b64('customerservices') !
  # it's /b64('/') ! impossible to make a b64 of '' so it is b64('/')
  # it's /b64('api') !

{before:'Hi_',after:'_Bye'} : In this following mapping ; subr is {before:'Hi_',after:'_Bye'} :

AUTOROUTING: routes in 'routes/'
↪ [
  '/api/customerservices/cannotsee',# a leaf !
  '/api/Hi_customerservices_Bye',   # applied to /api/customerservices'
  '/Hi__Bye',                       # applied to /<empty string>
  '/Hi_api_Bye'                     # applied to /api

Note : you don't have to set both before and after fields for the subr because these are applied if a value is set for either before or after or both fields as checked in the AutoRouter logic

if (this.subr && this.subr.before) { /*...*/ }
if (this.subr && this.subr.after) { /*...*/ }


translations Helps to customize routes in the final mapping. The Autoroute will iterate over the translations to see if a from fully matchs a route in the mapping and thus it will replace that matching route by the to string. Note : none of the from or the to should have trailing slashes '/'. For this instance, we may want to hide the infirm part of the route because it may hurt some feelings.

const translations = [{ 
        from : 'api/customerservices/special/infirm/deaf', 

        // you can issue this route like this : http://localhost:4000/deaf ... that's all !
        to : 'deaf'
        from : 'api/customerservices/special/infirm/blind',

        // the infirm segment has been removed! 
        // And breaking news, blind has been replaced by 'cannotsee' ! ... because blind people can't see
        to : 'api/customerservices/cannotsee'
        from : 'api/customerservices/special/infirm/mute',

        // Maybe desabled is more suitable than infirm but we dont want to refactor this little mistake
        to : 'api/customerservices/desabled/mute'


verbose Tells if you want to see the final resulting route list. It has false. Turn this option to true to see a list of your auto mapped routes.

const verbose = false; // default value

Applying all options (example)

// in server.js

// CONFIGURE options
const onerr = ({message}) => { console.log(message) }; // default value
const onmatch = ({route,module}) => express.use(route, require(module)); // most important
const rootp = 'routes/'; // default value
const subr = 'b64';
const translations = [{ 
    from : 'api/customerservices/special/infirm/deaf', to : 'deaf'
const verbose = false; // default value

// APPLYING the mapping of routes with all options




Makes routes by a folder structure







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