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An engaging clock face that shows math terms instead of the numbers themselves.
This project participates in the Flutter Clock challenge.

How to use

  • Clone the Flutter Clock GitHub repo. It contains several folders, including one named flutter_clock_helper.
  • In the root folder of the flutter clock repo, clone this repo into a folder named math_clock.
  • Now, you can run this Flutter project just like any other one.

How it works

Generating terms

Instead of numbers, this clock displays math terms with the operations + (Add), - (Subtract), * (Multiply), / (Divide), % (Modulo), ² (Squared), ³ (Cubed), (Root) and ! (Factorial).

Math terms are represented by a tree.

To turn the hour and minute numbers into math terms, we construct a tree consisting only of a number node. Then, it's made more complicated multiple times, each time choosing a random number node and complicating it.

For example, here's how a 2 might be turned into a more complicated math term:

2 │ 66 % 4 │ 66 % 2² │ (22 * 3) % 2²
  │        │         │ 
2 │   %    │   %     │     %
  │  / \   │  / \    │    / \
  │ 66  4  │ 66  ²   │   *   ²
  │        │     |   │  / \  |
  │        │     2   │ 22  3 2

See the math folder for more details.

Rendering terms

There's a TermWidget that can render a math term. It does so by expanding every math node into multiple widgets. By checking the types of the child nodes, it also inserts parenthesis where necessary.

Here's how the term tree from above is translated into widgets. For legibility, widgets created from the same math node are grouped together:

            │      TermWidget      │
            │    (22 * 3) % 2²     │
            │                      │
            │     ModuloWidget     │
            │    (22 * 3) % 2²     │
            │                      │
            │    (22 * 3) % 2²     │
            │                      │
            │  ParenthesisWidget   │
            │        22 * 3        │
                 |             |
┌──────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐
│      TermWidget      │ │      TermWidget       │
│        22 * 3        │ │           2²          │
│                      │ │                       │
│    MultiplyWidget    │ │    MultiplyWidget     │
│        22 * 3        │ │           2²          │
│                      │ │                       │
│_BinaryOperationWidget│ │_PostfixOperationWidget│
│        22 * 3        │ │           2²          │
└──────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────┘
      |            |                 |
┌────────────┐ ┌────────────┐  ┌────────────┐
│ TermWidget │ │ TermWidget │  │ TermWidget │
│     22     │ │     3      │  │     2      │
│            │ │            │  │            │
│NumberWidget│ │NumberWidget│  │NumberWidget│
│     22     │ │     3      │  │     2      │
│            │ │            │  │            │
│ TightText  │ │ TightText  │  │ TightText  │
│     22     │ │     3      │  │     2      │
└────────────┘ └────────────┘  └────────────┘


A mathematical clock, written in Flutter.







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