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19.2.4 Release

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@simonpoole simonpoole released this 26 Oct 14:34

November maintenance release of 19.2.

This fixes an issue with the "Send feedback" function that was caused by more aggressive optimisation in the Android 13 build process.

IMPORTANT: due to an issue on pre-Android 5.0 devices we've had to split the build in to a "legacy" and "current" flavour (again). The legacy build is for Android 4.1 to 4.4 and the current build is for Android 5.0 and later. The only difference between the two versions is a value in the manifest, but unluckily this cannot be set at install time and requires two different APKs. The current plan is to de-support 4.1-4.4 with version 20 in 2024.

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