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Comic Codex

Project dscription

Mobile app made with React Native using Native Base. Explore the Marvel universe by viewing it's comics, characters, stories events and more.. Read short introductions to comics and their characters, add comics to the reading list so you can remember to get back to reading them.

Technologies used

  • React Native
  • Native Base
  • React navigation
  • Firebase
  • Axios
  • Metro
  • Babel
  • Javascript (JS)
  • JSX

Things I learned

  • Structure of a react native application.
  • Adding navigation with an external module, drawer and stack navigators.
  • FlatList component rendering big lists with infinte load.
  • Debounced search.
  • Adding a bottom sheet that has dynamic content.
  • Fetching data with axios from a REST API.
REST API used in this project:
REST API's docs :