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An easy, portable, cross-platform, modular, API for making apps easily on raw C and OpenGL.

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What this is exactly?

This is a library of single header independent modules, that can create big applications when used together or with others APIs.

Why that name?

Donald Judd was a freaking cool guy, one of the first minimalistic thinkers. As this API is destined to be the simpler as possible, I decided to pay a homage to his work.

Why C?

Because C is so freaking cool, man. But really, C is, in my opinion, the cooler language we have. I already made some projects in C++, js, python and even lua, some were good, some were not, but I always loved and will love C. I am very inspired on sokol, raylib and pico_headers to do this. Another reasons are for learning, recreation and personal use.

How can I built it?

You don't. Seriously. Everything here is in a single and independent file. No third parties. Nothing of Glad, GLFW, GLM, or similar. So just clone/download this repo and drag and drop the necessary headers onto your project. Some modules will need a linker flag, but that should already come on your system. Here's an table.

Module name Flags To Add On Linux Backend APIs On Linux Flags To Add on Windows Backend APIs On Windows Flags To Add On Emscripten
judd_core -lX11 -lGL -lGLX X11, OpenGL and GLX -lgid32 -lopengl32 Win32, OpengGL and WGL -GL -sASYNCIFY
judd_gl_loader -lGL -lGLX OpenGL and GLX -lgdi32 -lopengl32 WGL and OpenGL Not tested
judd_draw -lGL OpenGL -lgdi32 -lopengl32 OpenGL Not tested

Some examples

For compactness, here's a little walktrough over all the modules by once.


Just define *JUDD_MOUDLE*_IMPL and include the files

#include "judd_core.h"
#include "judd_gl_loader.h"
#include "judd_draw.h"
#include "judd_img_loader.h"
#include "judd_dcs.h"


Before drawing images, we need to load OpenGL functions. Before loading OpenGL functions, we need to create a valid OpenGL context. So in the end, we have this:

int main(){
    judd_display_t *displ = judd_create_display(640, 360, "Cool Name");

judd_create_display creates the OpenGL context and judd_load_gl load the OpenGL functions.


The judd_ecs module is preety simple but powerful. With it, you scale up the speed of development fast. Let's create an ecs first.

int nentities = 64;
int ncompoennts = 64;
int nsystems = 64;
judd_ecs_t *ecs = judd_create_ecs(nentities, ncomponents, nsystems);
judd_entity_t *player = judd_add_entity_to_ecs(ecs, 0, "player");
judd_entity_t *enemie = judd_add_entity_to_ecs(ecs, 0, "enemie");

The second parameter of ´´´´ judd_add_entity_to_ecs´´´´ specify if the entity created is sleeping. The third is the entity id.


Let's create an triangle, rectangle, and texture components:

typedef struct Rectangle {
    int x0, x1, y0, y1;
typedef struct Triangle {
    int x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2;
typedef judd_texture_t* Texture;
judd_component_pool_t *rect = judd_add_component_pool_to_ecs(ecs, sizeof(Rectangle), "rect");
judd_component_pool_t *triangle = judd_add_component_pool_to_ecs(ecs, sizeof(Triangle), "triangle");
judd_component_pool_t *texture = judd_add_component_to_ecs(ecs, sizeof(Texture), "texture");

The code is self-documenting, but I am going to explain it anyway. You need to create a type for each component pool, and then add it to the ecs, by calling ´´´´judd_add_component_pool_to_ecs´´´´, passing the ecs, the size of each component from the pool and the component id.

Entities and Components

judd_add_component_to_entity(ecs, "player", "rect");
judd_add_component_to_entity(ecs, "player", "texture");
judd_add_component_to_entity(ecs, "enemie", "triangle");
judd_add_component_to_entity(ecs, "enemie", "texture");

You must pass the an entity id to ´´´´judd_add_component_to_entity´´´´ and after that a component poop id in order to add components to entities.

*judd_get_component_from_entity(ecs, "player", "rect") = (Rectangle){.x0 = 100, x1 = 200, .y0 = 100, y1 = 200};
*judd_get_component_from_entity(ecs, "player", "texture") = judd_create_texture(judd_load_bmp(judd), 100, 69);

As we are on C, we don't get references from C++, so ´´´´judd_get_component´´´´ returns a pointer that must be unreferenced to get the actual data. It's parameters are th same from judd_get_component_from_entity


Here is where the judd_ecs logic comes. We can create functions that are called one time for each entity that has certain components, those functions are called systems. Look:

 void update_texture_rect(judd_ecs_t *ecs, judd_entity_t *ent){
     char *name = judd_get_entity_name(ecs, ent);
     judd_texture_t *texture = judd_get_component_from_entity(ecs, name, "texture");
     Rectangle rect = judd_get_component_from_entity(ecs, name, "rect");
     judd_draw_rect(JUDD_DTYPE_TEX, rec.x0, rect.y0, 0, 0, rect.x1, rect.y0, texture->w, 0, rect.x1, rect.y1, texture->w, texture->h, rect.x0, rect.y1, 0, texture->h, tex);

Now we add the system to the ecs:

judd_system_t *rect_tex_system = judd_add_system_to_ecs(ecs, update_map, (judd_entity_t){.components = (1 << (rect - ecs->pool)) & (1 << (triangle - ecs->pools))});


Here we update all the modules that need to be updated:



What are the modules?

The following are planned to the final version:

Module Name Explanation Current Version Docs level
judd_core Opengl context creation and window mangement 1.0 High
judd_draw Drawing operations on a opengl context 1.0 Few
judd_gl_load OpengGL functions loading on few lines 0.5 Medium (single funtion)
judd_img_load Image files loading 0.5 Medium (also single function)
judd_audio To play audio files 0.5 Medium
judd_audio_loader To load audio WIP WIP
judd_time To manage time 1.0 Medium
judd_ecs Entity component system 0.75 Few
judd_json Json Loading WIP WIP
judd_physics To handle physics WIP WIP
judd_math Util math WIP WIP
judd_net Networking API WIP WIP
judd_string String Handling API WIP WIP
judd_containers Some Containers implementations WIP WIP
judd_procedural Perlin noise and others procedural like algorithms WIP WIP
judd_pathfinding Astar and other pathfinding algorithms WIP WIP

0.5 versions are usbale, but can't do every thing I expected. 1.0 versions are good and you can do a good app with them easily, but probably will have more updates. 0.75 is a mid-term.

Abundant documentation is when I made an walktrough on the code, a getting started, a manual and some examples. High is when it's missing 1. Medium is when the module is very simple or miss 2 or the doc types. Few miss 3 or more.

I have sttrugled a few on a png decoder, because I wanted to do it in a single function, don't ask me why. Now I will throw this away and I am going to work more hardly on judd_audio, judd_json and some documentation. Expect to have most work done until end of january.