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Developer Guide Release Instructions

mishaschwartz edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Release Instructions

When reviewing a pull request (PR):

  • decide whether the changes made PR should be released with the next minor or major version (see below)
  • if a PR should be released with the next major version no additional steps need to be taken. However, please ensure that the PR targets the master branch.
  • if a PR should be released with the next minor version:
    • make sure the current PR targets the master branch.
    • make an identical (or as close as possible) PR that also target the release candidate branch for the upcoming release.
    • add the PR that targets the release candidate branch to the milestone for the upcoming release.

When making a major release:

  1. merge the master branch into the release branch and resolve all conflicts.
  2. update the files in both the release and master branches by replacing the [unreleased] section with the new release's version number.
  3. fully test the release branch in development.
  4. update the app/MARKUS_VERSION file in the release and master branches.
  5. make a new release targeting the release branch (mark it as a pre-release).
  6. deploy the new release to a test instance on a production server and test the instance there as well.
  7. un-mark the new release as a pre-release

When making a minor release:

  1. merge the current release candidate branch into the release branch (there should be no conflicts).
  2. update the file in the both the release and master branches by creating a new section for the new release and moving all relevant lines from the [unreleased] section to this new section.
  3. do steps 3-7 from the major release section above

After making any release:

  1. close any existing milestones and create a new milestone for the next minor release. For example, if you just released version 1.9.5, make a new milestone named v1.9.6.
  2. delete the old release candidate branch (if it exists) and create a new release candidate branch based off of the current release branch. For example, if you just released version 1.9.5, delete the branch named v1.9.5.rc and create a branch named v1.9.6.rc
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