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4. Support Vector Machines for classification problems

Marsha Gómez edited this page May 25, 2023 · 6 revisions

Exercises Chapter 4

4.1 Linear Programming. Primal Model

Exercise 4.1. Find the separating hyperplane with maximum margin for the data set given:

close all;

matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState = 1;

A=[ 0.4952    6.8088    
    2.6505    8.9590    
    3.4403    5.3366    
    3.4010    6.1624    
    5.2153    8.2529    
    7.6393    9.4764    
    1.5041    3.3370    
    3.9855    8.3138    
    1.8500    5.0079    
    1.2631    8.6463    
    3.8957    4.9014    
    1.9751    8.6199    
    1.2565    6.4558    
    4.3732    6.1261    
    0.4297    8.3551    
    3.6931    6.6134    
    7.8164    9.8767    
    4.8561    8.7376    
    6.7750    7.9386    
    2.3734    4.7740 
    0.8746    3.0892  
    2.3088    9.0919   
    2.5520    9.0469  
    3.3773    6.1886  
    0.8690    3.7550   
    1.8738    8.1053   
    0.9469    5.1476   
    0.9718    5.5951   
    0.4309    7.5763   
    2.2699    7.1371 ];

B=[7.2450    3.4422
   7.7030    5.0965 
   5.7670    2.8791 
   3.6610    1.5002  
   9.4633    6.5084
   9.8221    1.9383 
   8.2874    4.9380 
   5.9078    0.4489 
   4.9810    0.5962 
   5.1516    0.5319 
   8.4363    5.9467  
   8.4240    4.9696  
   7.6240    1.7988
   3.4473    0.2725 
   9.0528    4.7106  
   9.1046    3.2798   
   6.9110    0.1745  
   5.1235    3.3181  
   7.5051    3.3392  
   6.3283    4.1555   
   6.1585    1.5058
   8.3827    7.2617 
   5.2841    2.7510 
   5.1412    1.9314
   6.0290    1.9818  
   5.8863    1.0087  
   9.5110    1.3298 
   9.3170    1.0890  
   6.5170    1.4606   
   9.8621    4.3674]; 
% Show values distribution
xlim = ([0 10]);
ylim = ([0 10]);
plot(A(:,1), A(:,2), "r*", B(:,1), B(:,2), "b*");


% Training Set
T = [A;B];

% Set Values
nA = size(A,1);
nB = size(B,1);

Q = [1 0 0
     0 1 0
     0 0 0];

D = [-A -ones(nA,1)
      B  ones(nB,1)];

d = -ones(nA+nB, 1);

f = zeros(3,1);

% Set Problem
options = optimset("LargeScale", "off", "Display", "off");
lambda = quadprog(Q,f,D,d,[],[],[],[],[],options);

% Set w and b
w = lambda(1:2);
b = lambda(3);

% Plot with the Max Margins 
x = 0:0.1:10;
u = (-w(1)/w(2)).*x - b/w(2);
v = (-w(1)/w(2)).*x + (1-b)/w(2);
vv = (-w(1)/w(2)).*x + (-1-b)/w(2);

plot(A(:,1), A(:,2), "r*", B(:,1), B(:,2), "b*");
hold on
xlim = ([0 10]);
ylim = ([0 10]);
plot(x,u, "k-", x,v,"r-", x,vv, "b-");


4.2 Linear Programming. Dual Model

Exercise 4.2 Find the separating hyperplane with maximum margin for the data set given:

A = [0.4952    6.8088    
    2.6505    8.9590    
    3.4403    5.3366    
    3.4010    6.1624    
    5.2153    8.2529    
    7.6393    9.4764    
    1.5041    3.3370    
    3.9855    8.3138    
    1.8500    5.0079    
    1.2631    8.6463    
    3.8957    4.9014    
    1.9751    8.6199    
    1.2565    6.4558    
    4.3732    6.1261    
    0.4297    8.3551    
    3.6931    6.6134    
    7.8164    9.8767    
    4.8561    8.7376    
    6.7750    7.9386    
    2.3734    4.7740 
    0.8746    3.0892  
    2.3088    9.0919   
    2.5520    9.0469  
    3.3773    6.1886  
    0.8690    3.7550   
    1.8738    8.1053   
    0.9469    5.1476   
    0.9718    5.5951   
    0.4309    7.5763   
    2.2699    7.1371];

B = [7.2450    3.4422
   7.7030    5.0965 
   5.7670    2.8791 
   3.6610    1.5002  
   9.4633    6.5084
   9.8221    1.9383 
   8.2874    4.9380 
   5.9078    0.4489 
   4.9810    0.5962 
   5.1516    0.5319 
   8.4363    5.9467  
   8.4240    4.9696  
   7.6240    1.7988
   3.4473    0.2725 
   9.0528    4.7106  
   9.1046    3.2798   
   6.9110    0.1745  
   5.1235    3.3181  
   7.5051    3.3392  
   6.3283    4.1555   
   6.1585    1.5058
   8.3827    7.2617 
   5.2841    2.7510 
   5.1412    1.9314
   6.0290    1.9818  
   5.8863    1.0087  
   9.5110    1.3298 
   9.3170    1.0890  
   6.5170    1.4606   
   9.8621    4.3674];

plot(A(:,1), A(:,2), 'r*', ...
    B(:,1), B(:,2), 'b*');


% Set Environment Values
T = [A;B];
nA = size(A,1);
nB = size(B,1);

y = [ones(nA,1); -ones(nB,1)];
l = length(y);

Q = zeros(l,l);
f = -ones(l,1);
lb = zeros(l,1);

% Set Q
for i = 1:l
    for j = 1:l
        Q(i,j) = y(i)*y(j)*T(i,:)*T(j,:)';

% Set of Problem
options = optimset('LargeScale', 'off', 'Display', 'off');
lambda = quadprog(Q,f,[],[],y',0,lb,[],[],options);

% Get w dual
w = zeros(2,1);
for i = 1:l
    w = w + lambda(i)*y(i)*T(i,:)'; 

% Get b dual
indicator = find(lambda > 1e-3);
i = indicator(1);
b = 1/y(i) - w'*T(i,:)';

% Plot the solution
x = 0:0.1:10;
u = (-w(1)/w(2)).*x - b/w(2);
v = (-w(1)/w(2)).*x + (1-b)/w(2);
vv = (-w(1)/w(2)).*x + (-1-b)/w(2);

plot(A(:,1), A(:,2), 'r*', ...
     B(:,1), B(:,2), 'b*', ...
     x,u,'k-', ...
     x,v, 'r-', ...
     x,vv, 'b-');
title("Linear SVM Dual Model")

% Support Points
support = find(lambda > 1e-3);
support_A = support(support <= nA);
support_B = support(support > nA) - nA;

hold on 
plot(A(support_A,1), A(support_A,2), 'ro', ...
     B(support_B,1), B(support_B,2), 'bo', 'LineWidth',3);
xlim([0 10]);
ylim([0 10]);
hold off


4.4 Linear Programming. Dual Model. Soft Margins

Exercise 4.4 Find the separating hyperplane for the data set given by solving the dual problem (5) with C = 10. What is the value of λi corresponding to the misclassified points?

close all;
matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState = 1;

A = [0.4952    6.8088
    2.6505    8.9590
    3.4403    5.3366
    3.4010    6.1624
    5.2153    8.2529
    7.6393    9.4764
    1.5041    3.3370
    3.9855    8.3138
    1.8500    5.0079
    1.2631    8.6463
    3.8957    4.9014
    1.9751    8.6199
    1.2565    6.4558
    4.3732    6.1261
    0.4297    8.3551
    3.6931    6.6134
    7.8164    9.8767
    4.8561    8.7376
    6.7750    7.9386
    2.3734    4.7740
    0.8746    3.0892
    2.3088    9.0919
    2.5520    9.0469
    3.3773    6.1886
    0.8690    3.7550
    1.8738    8.1053
    0.9469    5.1476
    0.9718    5.5951
    0.4309    7.5763
    2.2699    7.1371
    4.5000    2.0000];

B = [7.2450    3.4422
    7.7030    5.0965
    5.7670    2.8791
    3.6610    1.5002
    9.4633    6.5084
    9.8221    1.9383
    8.2874    4.9380
    5.9078    0.4489
    4.9810    0.5962
    5.1516    0.5319
    8.4363    5.9467
    8.4240    4.9696
    7.6240    1.7988
    3.4473    0.2725
    9.0528    4.7106
    9.1046    3.2798
    6.9110    0.1745
    5.1235    3.3181
    7.5051    3.3392
    6.3283    4.1555
    6.1585    1.5058
    8.3827    7.2617
    5.2841    2.7510
    5.1412    1.9314
    6.0290    1.9818
    5.8863    1.0087
    9.5110    1.3298
    9.3170    1.0890
    6.5170    1.4606
    9.8621    4.3674
    6.0000    8.0000
    2.0000    3.0000];

plot(A(:,1),A(:,2), 'r*',B(:,1),B(:,2), 'b*');


% Set the environment values
nA = size(A,1);
nB = size(B,1);

% Training set
T = [A;B];

C = 10;
y = [ones(nA,1);-ones(nB,1)];
l = length(y);

% Set Q
Q = zeros(l,l);

for i = 1:l
    for j = 1:l
        Q(i,j) = y(i)*y(j)*T(i,:)*T(j,:)';

f = -ones(l,1);
lb = zeros(l,1);
ub = C*ones(l,1);

% Set the problem
options = optimset('LargeScale', 'off', 'Display', 'off');
lambda = quadprog(Q,f,[],[],y',0, lb,ub, [], options);

% Set W
w = zeros(2,1);
for i = 1:l
    w = w + lambda(i)*y(i)*T(i,:)';

% Set b
indicator = find((lambda > 1e-3) & (lambda <= C-1e-3));
i = indicator(1);
b = 1/y(i) - w'*T(i,:)';

% Plot the hyperplane optimize 
x = 0:0.1:10;
u = (-w(1)/w(2)).*x - b/w(2);
v = (-w(1)/w(2)).*x + (1-b)/w(2);
vv = (-w(1)/w(2)).*x + (-1-b)/w(2);
plot(A(:,1), A(:,2), 'r*' ,B(:,1), B(:,2), 'b*', ...
     x, u,'k-', x,v, 'r-', x,vv, 'b-');

% Plot the support Points
support = find(lambda > 1e-3);
support_A = support(support <= nA);
support_B = support(support > nA)-nA;

hold on
plot(A(support_A,1), A(support_A,2), 'ro' ,B(support_B,1), B(support_B,2), 'bo');
xlim([0 10]);
ylim([0 10]);
hold off


fprintf('Lambda Values \n Support Points A');
fprintf('%0.2f \n', lambda(support_A));

fprintf(' Support Points B');
fprintf('%0.2f \n', lambda(support_B));

Lambda Values

Support Points A Support Points B
5.01 0.00
10.00 0.00
1.40 10.00
10.00 0.00

4.5 Nonlinear Programming. Dual Model

Exercise 4.5. Find the optimal separating surface for the data set given using a Gaussian kernel with parameters C = 1 and gamma = 1.

A = [0.0113    0.2713
    0.9018   -0.1121
    0.2624   -0.2899
    0.3049    0.2100
   -0.2255   -0.7156
   -0.9497   -0.1578
   -0.6318    0.4516
   -0.2593    0.6831
    0.4685    0.1421
   -0.4694    0.8492
   -0.5525   -0.2529
   -0.8250    0.2802
    0.4463   -0.3051
    0.3212   -0.2323
    0.2547   -0.9567
    0.4917    0.6262
   -0.2334    0.2346
    0.1510    0.0601
   -0.4499   -0.5027
   -0.0967   -0.5446];

B = [1.2178    1.9444
  -1.8800    0.1427
  -1.6517    1.2084
   1.9566   -1.7322
   1.7576   -1.9273
   0.7354    1.1349
   0.1366    1.5414
   1.5960    0.5038
  -1.4485   -1.1288
  -1.2714   -1.8327
  -1.5722    0.4658
   1.7586   -0.5822
  -0.3575    1.9374
   1.7823    0.7066
   1.9532    1.0673
  -1.0233   -0.8180
   1.0021    0.3341
   0.0473   -1.6696
   0.8783    1.9846
  -0.5819    1.8850];

% Plot the Dataset
plot(A(:,1), A(:,2), 'r*', B(:,1), B(:,2), 'b*');


% Set environment variables
gamma = 1;
C = 1;
nA = size(A,1);
nB = size(B,1);

% Training Set 
T = [A;B];

y = [ones(nA,1); -ones(nB,1)];
l = length(y);

% Quadratic variables
f = -ones(l,1);
lb = zeros(l,1);
ub = C*ones(l,1);

K = zeros(l,l);
for i = 1:l
    for j = 1:l
        K(i,j) = exp(-gamma*norm(T(i,:)-T(j,:))^2);

% Compute Q
Q = zeros(l,l);
for i = 1:l
    for j = 1:l
        Q(i,j) = y(i)*y(j)*K(i,j);

% Set the Problem
options = optimset('Largescale', 'off', 'Display', 'off');
[lambda, value] = quadprog(Q,f,[],[],y',0,lb,ub,[],options);

% Get b
indicator = find((lambda > 1e-3) & (lambda < C-1e-3));
i = indicator(1);
b = 1/y(i);
for j = 1:l
    b = b - lambda(j)*y(j)*K(i,j);

% Get general points 
AA = [];
BB = [];

for xx = -2:0.1:2
    for yy = -2:0.1:2
        s = 0;
        for i = 1:l 
            s = s + lambda(i)*y(i)*exp(-gamma*norm(T(i,:) - [xx yy])^2);
        s = s + b;
        if s > 0 
            AA = [AA; xx yy];
            BB = [BB; xx yy];

% Plot the Nonlinear Support Vector Machine Dual Model Graph
plot(A(:,1), A(:,2), 'ro', B(:,1), B(:,2), 'bo', 'LineWidth',5);
hold on
plot(AA(:,1), AA(:,2), 'r.', BB(:,1), BB(:,2), 'b.');
hold off
