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Repository files navigation

A simple lightweight Core Data wrapper in Swift.

I created this wrapper mostly to ease my workflow in the projects, if you find it useful feel free to use it and modify it to your needs.

Currently NSPersist supports:

  • Delete.
  • DeleteBatchAsync
  • UpdateBatchAsync
  • InsertBatchAsync
  • getAsync (fetch async)
  • get (fetch)
  • UndoManager
  • Lightweight migrations.
  • Multiple store configurations
  • Aggregate functions


Check out the Documentation for more information.

First call NSPersist.setup(withName: "<#Model name#>") or NSPersist.setup(withName: "<#Model name#>", configurations: ["<# Configuration name #>"]) to provide the name of the data model to be used and additional configurations.
This typically is called in AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions once.

Example add record:

let note = NSExampleNote(context: .main)
note.title = textFieldTitle.text
note.body = textFieldNote.text
note.createdAt = Date()
note.updatedAt = Date()

As you can see the main context is accessible via .main property, and inserts in the main context by default, or you can specify another context in its parameter like this backgroundContext).

Example usage of get request or fetch

NSPersist.shared.request(NSExampleNote.self, completion: { (request) in
    request.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "favorite = %d", true)
    request.sortDescriptors = [.init(key: "createdAt", ascending: false)]

As I said this is a lightweight wrapper, you are still working with the NSFetchRequest that you get from the completion block.


Currently NSPersist is only available through Swift Package Manager.

dependencies: [
   .package(url: "", from: "1.1.0")


NSPersist is released under MIT License