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Welcome Abroad! You are seeing the awesome project "Foodie"

Visit Live Link from : "will be update later"

A Small Details about this

This project is been developed to test my knowledge in React Basically.Several Node packages been used here Like,

  • react-router-dom
  • tailwind css
  • daisyUI
  • react-hook-form
  • react-to-pdf
  • react-icons
  • firebase
and so on.

Working Process

  1. Create a brand new react app using create-react-app

  2. Connect with git

  3. Create a new branch and push it to github

  4. Install all the necessary packages one by one

  5. Create a new firebase project and connect it with the app

  6. Create a new folder for the firebase and create a firebase config file for the app

  7. Create Components/Pages where necessary

  8. Create Routes for the pages using react router dom

  9. Create a new folder for the context and create a context for the app

  10. Create a Broken page form 404 routes

  11. Create a Private route component and use it for the private routes.

  12. Create Sign in and sign up methods using firebase auth

  13. Build app using npm build

  14. Connect the website with firebase hosting

  15. Deploy the app using firebase deploy

  16. Go to the live link From Here and enjoy the app

Cool Features

  • Responsive
  • Dynamic
  • PDF Download
  • Authentication
  • Private Route
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom Component
  • Custom Context
  • Custom Route
  • Validation
  • Firebase Hosting
  • React Router
  • Cool Icons

