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Connect Android SDK


The Connect mobile SDKs allow you to embed the Connect user experience anywhere you want within your mobile application.


The Connect Android SDK supports the following Android versions.

  • Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or later & minSdkVersion 21 or later

WARNING:Support for deepLinkUrl parameters is deprecated from Connect Android SDK version 3.0.0, going forward please use the redirectUrl parameter which supports both universal and deep links. For more information see Github documentation

Step 1 - Add repository to your project


Please modify your root-level Gradle file(build.gradle) as per below code.

 allprojects {
   repositories {

Please modify your app-level Gradle file(build.gradle) as per below code.

android {
  defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 21 // or greater
dependencies {
  // ...
  implementation 'com.mastercard.openbanking.connect:connect-sdk:<insert latest version>'

Note: The latest version of the Connect Android SDK can be found in Maven Central.


  • Clone the Connect Android SDK project from Github

  • On your Android project click on File > New > Import Module > Select the path of connect sdk folder location > Finish

  • Modify the build.gradle file in connect-sdk module, remove the below code which is on line no 46 and 123

apply from: "$project.rootDir/sonar.gradle"
apply from: "${rootProject.projectDir}/sonatype-publish.gradle"
  • Clean and build the project

Step 2 - Update Android application settings

The Connect Android SDK requires internet access to connect with our servers. As such, you need to add internet permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml file.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET">

Step 3 - Add code to start the Connect Android SDK

Connect Class

The Connect class contains a start method that when called, starts an activity with the supplied event handler. The SDK only allows a single instance of the Connect activity to run. If you start Connect while a Connect activity is already running, a RuntimeException is thrown.

The Connect Android SDK’s main component is the Connect class that contains a static start method, which runs an activity that connects with the EventHandler. To access the APIs in the SDK include the following imports:

  import com.mastercard.openbanking.connect.Connect;
  import com.mastercard.openbanking.connect.EventHandler;
public static void start(Context context, String connectUrl, String redirectUrl, EventHandler eventHandler)
fun start(context: Context, connectUrl: String?, redirectUrl: String?, eventHandler: EventHandler?)
Parameter Description
context The Android Context is referenced by Connect when an activity starts.
connectUrl The SDK loads the Connect URL.
redirectUrl App link URL/ Deep link URL to redirect back to your mobile app after completing FI’s OAuth flow. This parameter is only required for App to App.
eventHandler A class implementing the EventHandler interface.

See Generate 2.0 Connect URL APIs

EventHandler Interface

Throughout Connect’s flow, events about the state of the web application are sent as JSONObjects to the EventHandler methods.

NOTE: The onUser event handler will not return anything unless you’re specifically targeting Connect.

public interface EventHandler {
    void onLoad();
    void onCancel(JSONObject cancelEvent);
    void onDone(JSONObject doneEvent);
    void onError(JSONObject errorEvent);
    void onRoute(JSONObject routeEvent);
    void onUser(JSONObject userEvent);
interface EventHandler {
    fun onLoad()
    fun onCancel(cancelEvent: JSONObject?)
    fun onDone(doneEvent: JSONObject?)
    fun onError(errorEvent: JSONObject?)
    fun onRoute(routeEvent: JSONObject?)
    fun onUser(userEvent: JSONObject?)
Event Description
onLoad Sent when the Connect web page is loaded and ready to display
onCancel Sent when the user cancels the Connect application
onDone Sent when the user successfully completes the Connect appliction
onError Sent when there is an error during the Connect application
onRoute Sent when the user navigates to a new route or screen in Connect
onUser Called when a user performs an action. User events provide visibility into what action a user could take within the Connect application

App To App

App Link Support

Add activity in AndroidManifest.xml file.

 <activity android:name="com.mastercard.openbanking.connect.Connect"   
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />        
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />        
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />        

Deep Link Support(Not recommended)

Add activity in AndroidManifest.xml file.

<activity android:name="com.mastercard.openbanking.connect.Connect"   
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />        
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />        
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />        
    <data android:scheme="{deep_link_app_name}"/>    

{deep_link_app_name} is case sensitive and should only use lower-case character

Add code to start the Connect Android SDK

App Link Support

Connect.start(this, url, "", eventHandler);

Deep Link Support

Connect.start(this, url, "{deep_link_app_name}://", eventHandler);

Manually stop a connect activity

The Connect activity will automatically finish on done, cancel, and error events.

You can manually finish a Connect activity by invoking:


If there isn’t a current Connect activity running, then the method will throw a RuntimeException.